Harpoon Classic Scenarios

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:31 am

The 73rd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Task Force Rybakov


This scenario is a RED side sequel to my earlier scenario, Sixth Battle, which of course is a tribute to a favorite novel of mine, The Sixth Battleby Barrett Tillman. Although some effort has been expended atrecreating the battle depicted in that book, I have also taken variedsome of the events and players to make a workable Harpoon scenario. Thescenario background contained in the file is considerably moredetailed, but essentially:

Several large Soviet battle groups,now operating under the banner of the Union of Eurasian Republics(UER), have assembled off the coast of South Africa. Their intention isto force a change of power in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), intoone that favors the African National Congress (ANC) and, indirectly,the Front Line States (FLS) of Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The UERhas cut a deal with the ANC and FLS to form a cartel that would extendto all of the RSA’s resources, including uranium. Hard line regimes inthe client states of Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam have pledged theirassistance.

The American carrier forces have been caught out ofposition. Meanwhile, Task Force Rybakov has taken up station off thecoast of the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The Pacific Fleet carrierNovorossiysk has been delayed but is now transiting the MozambiqueChannel and should be on station and ready to conduct operations within24 hours. Our amphibious landings in the RSA will be supported by airstrikes from the carriers. The South Africans stand virtually no chancewithout American intervention. Now is our time to strike.

Author: Brad Leyte


This scenario requires the South Africa battleset


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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:15 am

The 75th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Let’s Go to War


Let’s Go to War - WestPac

What if China carried out its threat to attack Taiwan? What if North Korea launched an offensive against South Korea? What if an reinvigorated Russia was complicit with both aggressors? What if these conflicts happened at the same time? This scenario examines the hypothetical worst case scenario, the stuff of nightmares for WestPac war planners.

Following the brutal crackdown in Tibet and the subsequent boycott of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing by many Western nations, the PRC entered a time of what many considered a period of awakening. It was thought that maybe these were the last throes of Chinese Communist Party, and that the emergence of democracy was finally within grasp. Ultimately it proved to be just a dream. The PRC's attack against Taiwan was sudden and absolutely vicious. Rather than commit the bulk of its valuable naval and air forces to the battle, the PRC unleashed a terrifying bombardment of short range ballistic missiles. This, of course, had been expected, but the sheer ferocity of the missile attack was not, nor was the use of a new and deadly nerve agent. Caught unprepared, Taiwan had no chance.

To make matters worse, North Korea reversed its decision to withdraw from a policy of nuclear brinkmanship. A previously unknown nuclear processing facility was discovered, revealed and then flaunted by Pyongyang, together with an array of crude nuclear weapons delivery systems. When the South Koreans and Americans railed against this dangerous turn of events, and threatened response, the DPRK did not hesitate. A withering assault was thrown across the DMZ within days, and Washington took no chances. Select low level nuclear strikes were made against certain North Korean targets, decapitating and eliminating the DPRK atomic arsenal.

Just when it was believed things could not get any uglier, the nationalists in Moscow announced their support for the forced reunification of the PRC and ROC, and complained loudly and bitterly against the American nuclear pre-emption. The Russian support for Beijing and the opposition against Washington was not only political, however, it was military.

Author: Brad Leyte

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:16 am

The 78th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!



Failsafe - Bering Strait Battleset.

Tensions with the Soviet Union are at an all time high. The President and the Joint Chiefs have just ordered Defense Condition 2 (DEFCON 2), as it is believed that an attack by the USSR may be imminent. Intelligence reports and analysis indicate that if it comes, it will occur sometime within the next forty-eight (48) hours.

In preparation to meet the threat, Strategic Air Command (SAC) has launched a previously unannounced Giant Bracket exercise, directing the forward deployment of elements of the 97th Bomb Wing to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Its aircraft (primarily a force of B-52 bombers) are now operating there in conjunction with other supporting USAF units.

In the event that National Command Authority (NCA) orders Defense Condition 1 (DEFCON 1), which will be a confirmation of an impending Soviet attack, SAC assets are directed to immediately take up their fail safe positions and stand by for further orders.

Author: Brad Leyte

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:39 am

The 77th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Canary Islands 1976


NATO has lost contact with the Canary Islands. The only naval forces in the area, centered around the USS Hancock, are sent to investigate.

This is a custom battleset that includes the database to play the scenario. Unzip the file into your HCE directory, the load the game. You will have a new battleset, "Fred's Canary Islands Battles" with which to play the scenario. The battleset is meant to be used with HCE 2008.044 or newer.

Author: Fred Galano

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:36 am

The 7th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

The Harpoon community is pleased to welcome a new scenario designer to the scene. DonSeaDog is proud to release his first two scenarios in a battleset for us to enjoy. Many thanks for sharing your efforts.

Intruders from the North
They Seem to Keep Coming


A country has established a small air base along the northern coast line and is striking Australian bases. While intended to play as blue, you can play as red too although the defences are marginal so it should be a walk over.

Author: DonSeaDog

You can access the file at the URL:

Commerce Raider


Commerce raiding or guerre de course is a naval strategy of attacking an opponent's commercial shipping rather than contending for control of the seas with its naval forces. The objective is to make the war too expensive for the opponent to continue it. Usually, commerce raiding is chosen by the weaker naval power who has little chance to succeed against the naval forces of its opponent.

Author: Rene Haar

You can access the file at the URL:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FilesOfSc ... Scenarios/



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Harpoon Classic scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:04 am

The 15th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

South Africa


A Battleset for Harpoon Classic Commanders' Edition

It is 1988. South Africa is still governed by President Botha, who symbolizes the Apartheid regime. The country is shaken by riots and a state of emergency is declared. South Africa´s neighbours are waiting for a chance to overthrow the Apartheid-Regime in Pretoria.

Meanwhile, the Glasnost Era between the US and the USSR ends abruptly. A few days after the Moscow Summit in May/June, Gorbachev is ousted by a Communist Coup. All hopes for an end of the Cold War have gone to pieces within hours. The new strong man is Secretary Ligatschow. He vows to re-establish "law and order" and to strengthen Communism all over the world.

The US Government led by President Reagan is caught by surprise. US forces have to be quickly re-positioned and prepared for what may come. But where will the USSR start to re-establish its tight grip? The Politburo chooses South Africa. Large parts of the Red Fleet are already in this area. South Africa is an outlaw in the Western World because of its Apartheid regime. Its strategic importance is obvious. Its neighbours will support any attack on the Regime. Thus, the Soviets draw their plan.

By chance there is one US Carrier Battlegroup in the area. And so an epic battle starts.

Author: Réne Haar and Ralf Koelbach

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:59 pm

The 18th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Even More Wrath


This is a remake of the scenario "Wrath" originally produced for the EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset. It is intended for play by the Blue side only.

HNN Dateline Sarajevo

Sources confirmed today that the suicide truck bomb that killed 28 and injured more than 100 American soldiers last week was tied to the recent string of terrorist attacks against American targets. The attack, said one government official, fit the profile of several Middle Eastern groups and is thought to be sponsored by several countries hostile to the American presence in the Persian Gulf.

In Paris, the French Foreign Minister was asked if the current attacks against the Americans would cause the French government to reconsider the US sanctions against Iran and Libya. He said abruptly "No terrorism is a world wide problem," and that punishing French and other European companies because America is unpopular in those markets was absurd. He went on To say that "It's time America came down off her high horse and joined the World community as an equal and stop pretending to be the world's Father Figure."

During a UN meeting the US Secretary of State took the podium and issued a terse response to the French Foreign Minister. "Terrorism exists in the world today in its current form because continental powers are too timid to respond to the open hostilities of the Arab world. France in particular should be ashamed that it continues to expand its trade with rogue nations such as Iran, Iraq and Libya." The Secretary closed his speech by saying that the US would seek out and punish those responsible for attacks against Americans no matter where they live, and any country harboring, protecting or supporting these fugitives would also feel the weight of American justice.

Author: Brad Leyte

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:53 pm

The 19th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Thailand Quarrel


The world was shocked last week when tensions between Indonesia and Thailand exploded into violence. Indonesia, claiming that Thai fishing vessels had illegally entered its fisheries, sank two trawlers and fired warning shots at a third. Thailand has declared that, as a result of these "vicious and criminal acts of oceanic terrorism," a state of war exists between the two nations.

Author: Mark Gellis

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:12 pm

The 22nd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

From Russia with Love


From Russia with Love – WestPac

The Kurile Islands have been a point of contention between Japan and the Soviet Union since the end or World War Two. Even following the collapse of the Soviet state, the area remains disputed. Japan claims that the southern most of the Islands, which were not specifically covered in the Treaty of San Francisco of 1951, are rightfully Japanese Territory. Negotiations have yet to settle this dispute.

Author: Akula

http://harpgamer.com/harpforum/index.ph ... ost&id=797



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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:11 pm

The 69th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!



The year is 2014, and the world is at war. Israel, Syria, and Iran are in ruins after a series of nuclear exchanges. Egypt and Turkey have remained neutral. Russia has taken advantage of the situation by allying with the Sicilan mafia, which has been the de facto government since the Italian revolution of 2012. Libya and Tunisia are also in the Russian sphere. The UK sent a CVBG, with American assitance, to assist Israel, in vain. This group must now return through the straits of Malta.

Author: Patrick Howard

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Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:00 am

The 2nd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Drakeski's Passage


The time is the near future and the world is at war. The collapse of the US economy in the crash of 2012 has led to opportunism all over the world. Venezuela has extended basing rights to Russian ships and aircraft, to exert pressure on a prostrate USA. Russia, with its newly resurgent navy, is sending naval units around Cape Horn to take advantage of this situation. Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, honoring their relationship with the US, have stated that they will contest this passage. This scenario explores the ability of 2nd/3rd world nations to defend themselves against larger opponents.

Author: Patrick Howard

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Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:29 pm

The 13th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!



A scenario in which you must seek out and destroy enemy in order to allow safe passage of a relatively weak supply convoy. Expect sea surface and subsurface vessels and land units to resist your passage. You will need to primarily use the aircraft from Australian and Singaporean airfields for this purpose.

Singapore has been under pressure from neighbouring countries to drop the close association it has formed with Australia and to add to their efforts to create a first order industrial power.

While there have been no hostilities a recent natural disaster has left Singapore in need of supplies which are being sent from Australia, an initial delivery of armaments has been delivered by two Hercules which are still on ground at Singapore (AFa).

Author: Donald Thomas

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:34 am

The 16th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

A Nice Little Shootout


Joint NATO Baltic exercises "Lead Barrel" went as planned. Russia voiced its objections against NATO military operations in Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia but no one expected any serious escalation. Russian recon assets closely monitored NATO units but without any provocative activities.

After achieving all objectives NATO declared exercises as finished and begun withdrawing its assets. Naval units left Gulf of Riga, split into two SAG's and sailed south to Gdansk. Air units stationed in Poland, Germany and Denmark begun moving out to their home bases.

Everything changed within last 20 minutes.

Author: Pawel Kurek

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Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:57 am

The 17th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Trophy Hunters


In 1969, thousands of Chinese workers began arriving at the Tanzanian port of Dar es Salaam and immediately set to work on the TAZARA project, a national railway that would stretch deep into the East African interior and would not only connect remote rural communities but also drive across southern Tanzania into the Zambian copper belt. Back then Tanzanian national leaders had first approached Western nations to assist with the project, but one after another, the USA, Great Britain, and even the United Nations and the Soviet Union, all turned them down. The Communist Chinese, however, seized the opportunity, and now, nearly 50 years later, the investment was paying off in a big way. Large deposits of uranium have been discovered near the northern end of Lake Nyasa, and the People's Republic of China is keen to realize on its long term investment. Unfortunately, the area is also the subject of a longstanding boundary dispute between Tanzania and its western neighbor, Malawi. Perhaps repeating the transgressions of the Western colonial powers more than a hundred years before, the Chinese are not about to permit anything to stand in the way of their plans for strategic economic gain.

In response to rising tensions between Malawi and Tanzania, the PRC has moved significant military forces into Tanzania. Officially they report an invitation by the government in Dodoma to safeguard the joint economic interests of Tanzania and the PRC in the mineral deposits near Mbeya. However, the force is much larger than that one would ordinarily expect for simple security. It is now reported that a small force of Malawi Army regulars were discovered beyond the border control post and that they have been summarily executed by the Chinese. Moreover, movement of refugees in the Chitipa and Karonga regions of Malawi is reported subject to Chinese scrutiny and approval, such that very few people are being permitted to cross the border. Survey and drilling equipment has even been spotted in some remote parts of Karonga.

Author: Brad Leyte



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Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:57 pm

The 18th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!



In the first scenario of this multi part campaign, called Threshold, we examined what happened when the Israelis carried out a preemptive air strike against what they believed to be a Syrian nuclear weapons research facility. In the aftermath of that action, full scale war has now broken out between Syria and Israel, and Iran is vowing to join the cause against the Zionist aggressors.

This second scenario will continue to examine the possible result of a single aimed pre-emptive strike, and the resulting ever widening conflagration.

Blue Orders:

1.0. SITREP:

The Syrians have launched a full scale counter-attack in response to our successful preemptive strike against their recently reconstructed nuclear facility. As expected, the Syrians and the Iranians have also engineered a new wave of unrest and terrorist activity in both the Gaza Strip and Beirut. Fortunately, we were well prepared for that eventuality, and much of the terrorist activity in those locations has been suppressed, at least for the time being.

Our strike on the MV Al Hasan, a merchant ship delivering nuclear materials from Iran, has been deemed a success. At last report, she was burning and partially capsized in the harbor at Tartus. Unfortunately, the Russians are reporting having received minor damage to their nuclear powered battlecruiser Petr Velikiy, which was also moored there. Our pilots swear they did not target or unintentionally hit the Russian warship, but she is nevertheless reporting damage, and has been observed leaving Tartus streaming a column of thick smoke. Suffice to say, Moscow is protesting loudly and both the Syrians and Iranians are taking advantage of this unfortunate development.

Tehran is pledging full military support for the Syrians and is requesting Russian military support to defend Islamic nations in the region from Zionist hostile action. Intelligence indicates that Iranian military forces are mobilizing, including a sharp rise in activity at known ballistic missile bases.

Author: Brad Leyte



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