Getting into H3 ANW Players' DB White Death scenario
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:59 am
How come that while playing the Argies in the White Death scenario off Player's DB - I think this is one of the standalone scenarios or in the Atlantic database - I had some of their own vessels firing on each other resulting in the loss of a DDG and an FG , half the task force that is? One of the ships was apparently struck by one of the Exocets fired at a Chilean contact and the frigate was apparently engaged with a naval gunfire, an odd occurrence and at first I had thought that the Chileans were closer than I anticipated. Only the study of the after action report and debriefing confirmed that Argentinians engaged themselves and the other half of the task force was obliterated by Chileans later at their leisure since all of the 13 Exocet missiles had been fired whereas the Chileans had fired only 8 and had some spare ones for yet another long range engagement.
Is a friendly fire really modelled here?
Is a friendly fire really modelled here?