aotino wrote:I made the amendments to the dB, and saved all scenarios built under the Caso dB. For purposes of the way I'd like my games played, I changed all ROF to -10, or 5 minutes according to your calculation rate. I gave all mine-sweeping weapons' propulsions a 10nm speed. I altered some of the weapons effective ranges, while keeping others the same. The results are thus - I re-tried the Mine Sweeping Test Scenario I built, and everything looked good. The weapons I released worked with the new ranges, and all ran at the prescribed 10nm/hr. The problems started once again where I attempted to reload the launchers from the magazines. When I transferred the weapon from the magazine, it showed up right away in the launcher. However, even after 5 minutes, they did not become available to use in the weapons launch window. I retraced all my amendments to the WEAPONS RECORDS and MOUNTS in the dB Editor, and all looked good with the ROF's.
There is also an RoF (re-load rate) assigned to the various magazines. You most likely forgot to change this value. It controls the rate at which the weapon moves from the magazine to the mount/launcher. Be careful to note that there are two RoF values; one for the Magazine and one for the individual Weapons Record for the MCM device within the magazine. If they differ, the longer one is likely applied. Dual RoF rates are also found in the Mounts table.
aotino wrote:However I did some further checking in the Editor and would like to know if they also need to be amended to make this work. In the EDIT>LOADOUTS I noticed two entries that seemed relevant - MCM EODTeam with a READY TIME of 240min, and an MCM Mine Clearance [Mechanical] with a READY TIME of 240min. Do these need to be changed, and how? Secondly, I looked into the EDIT>MAGAZINES and noticed several entries in two groups. The first group had a number of items that were headed with MCM RVP's (Mk5 PAP 104, Sea Eagle, Pinguin etc) with ROF's of -60, and the second group of Mine Clearance Gear with ROF's of -20. You didn't mention the magazines or loadouts as things to edit, so I was wondering if these need to be amended as well?
The Ready Time in the Loadouts component table determines the the amount of time between aircraft sorties. This is similar to RoF, but not quite the same. The MCM helicopters use this value to determine how long they need to re-arm before flying a second counter-mine mission.
If the Magazine re-load times/RoF values are only -60, this means that the weapons will fully re-loaded into the mounts within 30 minutes. IIRC, the Mine clearance gear was given faster re-arm values since it was set to be the more traditional broad area mine-sweeping instead of the more specific mine-hunting technique.
aotino wrote:Lastly, even after launching the first weapons and having them track perfectly to the targets, not one of them destroyed a mine. I think I need these weapons to be pretty much 100% effective, if possible in my scenarios. Is that possible, and how do I make that happen
There can be many explanations for your observed behaviour. When de-bugging, it is a good idea to return to the last point where everything worked. I believe that the MCM devices worked for the PlayersDB and CasoDB. Then, make small changes until you get to your current situation. Somewhere along the line, you have introduced an error.
It could be something such as your increase in RPV Engine speed using up more fuel or some other minor detail. Go back to the state where things certainly worked and make small advances to discover the problem.