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LOL. Bringing up bugs that were identified and fixed in v1.01, more than a year and a half ago.
Enjoy your irrelevancy, children.
Herman Hum, you are noting like Charlie. You are a toxic troublemaker and obsessed cyberstalker. Trying to justify your 10-year harassment campaign by bringing up the Charlie Hebdo massacre is nothing short of DISGUSTING.
Vincenzo Beretta (Reckall) and Herman Hum, you are so desperate to say something negative about Command it actually show how clueless you are about real-life air and naval ops.
The speed limitation is realistic. My background is aerial warfare and has been researched to death. In addition, our beta team includes actual military pilots and crews who confirm that our Command implementation and the assumptions behind it are valid. The fact that you *refuse* to understand this speaks tons.
I'll say this one more time: Real military pilots tell us we got it right.
If you still haven't read the Command Mega-FAQ, it's here: http://www.warfaresims.com/?page_id=2920#624
P.S: Your colleague needs professional help. You know the one I'm talking about.
Is your team of "real pilots and crews" the same that allowed F-14 Tomcats to hover and missiles to spin like tops? Are these the "pilots and crews" you want us to believe?
The "orgasmic" WOTY reviews totally missed gigantic bugs like these (not that the "elite group of pilots and crews" did any better). No one examined the "WOTY" the way Herman did. It comes as no surprise that Herman's review was spiked.
This is still a garbage game.
Modern Naval Ops Review (Steam v1.05)
I am Charlie.
Never mind that you recently had the unimaginable gall to honestly compare your banning from a forum to the Charlie Hebdo massacre (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical/yJe7X4DRyxU/bm3hUqrxgDcJ).
This is how *desperate* you are. This is how *pathetic* you are. And in the end, this is all you can do.
Now both of you go back to wasting oxygen while the rest of us keep building the future.
This is yet another priceless example of both of you being so desperate to find allies in your trash-talking of Command and WarfareSims that you latch-on to the slightest negative criticism of Command _without having a clue of what the critic is talking about_. It's beyond comical.
Never mind the puppets that you Vinnie (or should I say "Tom Sunday" and "Cieciu") prop up in order to lower the game's score on Amazon and Metacritic. Never mind the one-post accounts that Herman is making on every forum out there just so that he can post links to his hatchet-jobs masquerading as "video reviews".
Never mind that in every forum/group you've recently tried to slam Command you were booed off by the residents when they figured out the absurdity of your arguments and more importanty your clinical-level obsession.
That he chose to air his grievances in such a manner is unfortunate, but there are no hard feelings on our part (which is partially why we did not challenge his claim; also because he does not bring forward specific points which we could address). I sincerely hope he'll realize his ambition (joining the AF) as I am certain his service there will enlighten him on the points we disagree and make him understand that some elements he holds dear, in the greater scheme of air warfare, don't matter as much as he thinks. (cont)
Try, try again.
Next: Bluewolf's criticism.
Quick question, Vinnie: When Bluewolf claims Command's air-warfare model is problematic, do you actually have any idea what he's talking about?