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Harpoon 3 ANW Scenarios for the PlayersDB-ANW


2nd Lebanese War Battleset
21st Century Ocean Wars Battleset
Arctic Harpoon Wars Battleset

Atlantic Ocean Battleset
Battles of the Third World War Battleset
Black Sea Battleset
Blue Water Navy Battleset
EU4 Series Battleset
Falklands Battleset
Georgian War Battleset

Harpoon Designer Series II GIUK Battleset
Harpoon Commander's Edition WestPac Battleset

Hugo's Folly Battleset
Indian Ocean Battleset
Matchplay Battleset
Mediterranean Sea Battleset
New Dynasty Battleset
Northern Fury Battleset

Papa and Son Battleset

Original Cold War Battleset
Original Global Conflicts 1 Battleset
Original Global Conflicts 2 Battleset
Original Global Conflicts 3 Battleset
Original Regional Conflicts 1 Battleset
Original Regional Conflicts 2 Battleset
Original WestPac Battleset
Original Tutorial Battleset
Scenario Design Tutorial Battleset



2nd Lebanese War Battleset

Hezbollah has been raining rocket artillery down on Israeli heads. An Israeli army patrol is ambushed leaving several dead. More importantly, two soldiers are known to have been abducted by their assailants. Israel demands their return at all costs and moves ground forces into Southern Lebanon. The Second Lebanese War has begun.


Syrian-backed Hezbollah is raining Katyusha rockets on Northern Israel. Israeli intelligence suggests that Hezbollah has over 10,000 such rockets flown in daily through Damascus from Tehran. Iran has an advanced missile program building anti-ship missiles and ground-attack missiles of various ranges and with ever-increasing accuracy. Katyusha is a terror weapon, but if Iran decides to supply Hezbollah with modern missiles and advanced guidance packages, then Israel is really in trouble. The Israeli government has decided that this threat warrants a pre-emptive strike on the missile manufacturing plants in Iran.


This scenario follows Katyusha.

After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has enforced resolution 1702.

With Lebanon weakened and unstable, Syria felt it was in her best interests to occupy the country. Beirut has come under attack and Western nations are coordinating a massive effort to repatriate their citizens.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario written by Mark Gellis and has been re-made for Harpoon 3 with the author's permission.

Author: Mark Gellis, Freek Schepers, Herman Hum


After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands dead and thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has accepted resolution 1702. Israel's deep strike on Iranian WMD sites has done nothing to reduce the threat from Hezbollah. It's all up to UNIFIL, now. France and Italy (both with long heritage in the Middle East) are leading the coalition which, for the first time ever, contains Army, Navy, and Air Force elements.


After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has enforced resolution 1702. Israel's deep strike on Iranian WMD sites has done nothing to reduce the threat from Hezbollah. UNIFIL is fully deployed with France and Italy providing ground forces, and Germany, Denmark and Greece providing Navy ships to prevent weapon resupply to Hezbollah.

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21st Century Ocean Wars Battleset

When President Gorbachev was notified in 1989 of a plot to bring down the Berlin Wall later that year, he made several crucial strategic decisions. The Russian president decided to suppress the East-German revolt, speed up the privatisation and efficiency focus in the Russian state industries, and invest in maintenance, spare parts, and training for the military.

For President Bush and his successors, the emergence of an Eastern European market and the stabilisation of the Middle East meant they could peacefully cooperate with, though quitely dislike, Russia. However, Europe found itself more and more at odds with President Gorbachev and his direct successor Putin.

At the end of 2004 NATO, found itself opposing a high quality Russian military. Early in November, Putin started moving 25 divisions towards the border with Germany. Icelandic politicians had ended the defence pact with the US and closed Kevlavik air force base under pretense of noise pollution. The GIUK gap was now wide open.

On the 21st of November, US and UK subs reported SSBNs withdrawing towards their ports on the Kola peninsula, but also reported many modern SSNs surging towards the GIUK Gap. They were ordered to tail these subs and NATO started to organise a convoy system on cross-Atlantic routes. By November 26th, the United Nations and back-channel diplomacy had reached a crucial stage. A war, for which there is no clear reason, may still be averted but is looming. NATO orders its forces to be vigilant but to keep Weapons Tight in this crucial phase of diplomacy.

Suomenlinna - Yuri's Gambit

War between NATO and Russia is imminent. The Russian forces on Kola will need unhindered access to the Atlantic. Admiral Yuri Padorin has drafted an alternative plan to deal with Finland.

Author: Freek Schepers


The NATO-Russian war is 3 weeks old. Russia's naval aviation forces on the Kola peninsula, after being hard hit in the beginning of the war, are creating headaches for NATO in the Atlantic. The Baltic theatre of operations is quiet. Russia seems to have transferred forces to Siberia to put pressure on the Japanese and to keep U.S. carriers under attack.

The Pacific has wide expanses for a CV to hide within and this scenario explores the difficulty of Reconnaissance.

Author: Freek Schepers


Prior to war breaking out, a small Dutch Task force of frigates delivered the Dutch Marines to Finnmark. Having trained there for years, several companies of Marines have joined their Norwegian and British counterparts to await the expected Russian attack into Finnmark.

Author: Freek Schepers

Shadow the Boomer

After several vicious carrier battles in the Barents Sea and with the ground war stalemated in the Nordic winter, negotiations started to end the war. Both parties observed a cease-fire, which held surprisingly well in the first week.

However, NATO feared Putin would make use of the cease-fire to bring his boomers to bastions prepared in the Barentz Sea. USN and Royal Navy hunter-killer subs were sent to stake out Severomorsk and be prepared to shadow SSBNs exiting the harbour.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Arctic Harpoon Battleset Battleset

The Cold War has erupted, Britain's allies have fallen, and Russia is poised on the brink of victory.

This battleset was inspired by scenarios originally created for Naval War: Arctic Circle.

Operation StormCloud

LOCATION: Arctic Circle

TIME: 5 January 2017, 0400 GMT

Mikhail Gorbachev's removal from power during a coup by the army, and his subsequent execution at the hands of the KGB, led to a Soviet government that became even more insular than it had already been. Protests following Gorbachev's death were swiftly put down, and once elements of the Soviet government that had previously supported him had been forced to re-embrace traditional party values, the government was able to focus on re-establishing the arms programs that Gorbachev had tried to dissolve.

The situation was not received well in Europe or the USA, and continued to escalate over the next few decades. Russia began exerting additional pressure on shipping in the Arctic Circle, claiming sovereignty over waters that had previously been open to all nations. When Soviet vessels fired on Norwegian ships, sinking them with all hands, the matter was suppressed despite the British Special Boat Service (SBS) finding evidence that proved Russian involvement in an incident which was blamed on malfunctioning GPS equipment, engine fires, inclement conditions and any other reason that could be produced in an attempt to prevent an all out war.

To try and prevent any further raids of this type occurring again, NATO ships began moving north and taking up positions around the ice pack. Royal Navy and US Navy submarines began patrolling these waters with renewed awareness. The situation came to an inevitable head when an over-zealous NATO fighter pilot fired on a Soviet sub that was forced to surface after engine trouble, in close proximity to a NATO convoy. The sub was reported as sunk by the pilot, but repercussions from the Soviets were not far behind. NATO agents in Russia reported that a high amount of traffic around the docks in Nenelsia and Yamalia, with all SSSR crews being called back to their vessels. All contact was lost with NATO agents in Russia, and their fate can only be guessed at.

Author: Hugo Richards

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EU4 Series Battleset

Iran has continued toward the development of nuclear weapons despite global diplomatic efforts to stop them. Considering the hard-line attitude that the Iranian leadership has towards Israel and the United States and their past history of supporting terrorist activity, this presents a time-critical threat that must be dealt with.

The UN and NATO refuse to take aggressive action, so the US must, once again, go it alone.

EU1-The Iranhattan Project

This scenario is a study of a US air campaign to eliminate Iran's nuclear capability.

I have tried to represent all of Iran's major facilities that they are using for mining, refining, and preparing uranium as well as their research and production facilities.

The US Forces involved include the Eisenhower and her associated strike group as it is currently composed and deployed. I have also included the Stennis and her group which is due to depart on a WestPac deployment soon, and would be the next available carrier in theater. The air wings on these ships should also be accurate.

For the USAF, I've put everything in Qatar even though many of those aircraft would deploy from Turkey or Diego Garcia (I didn't want to make the map that big). Just for fun, I've included the 1st TFW and their F-22s out of Langley AFB, VA.

To keep it from being too much of a turkey shoot, I was a bit generous with the Iranian OOB. They do actually possess all of the units in the scenario, but it is unlikely that they would all be serviceable. In reality, they can probably only put up about a 3rd of the represented air force.

Author: Eric Weincam

EU2-Malta Falcons

Despite the protests of the UN and their NATO allies, the United States chose to unilaterally conduct air strikes in Iran to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Some of those air strikes vaporized large quantities of radioactive material into the atmosphere and groundwater. The result may be an ecological and civil disaster many orders of magnitude worse then Chernobyl.

The European countries of France, Spain, and Italy have protested to the UN that the United States can no longer enact its will on the rest of the world and must be punished for its actions. They requested sanctions against the US in the UN, but were unable to get the votes needed, with the UK (siding with the US) being the deciding vote.

France, Spain, and Italy have now decided to conduct their own form of sanctions and have announced that no US flagged traffic may pass through the Med. Spanish commandos seized the UK base at Gibraltar without firing a shot. The small British force that was present left the area open because they were unsure of what posture to take against traditional allies.

Spanish and Italian naval units have already boarded and re-directed merchant vessels traveling under the US flag. British and US units are scrambling to protect the merchant vessels already at sea and to secure a defense of Malta as their only remaining foothold in the theater.

Author: Eric Weincam

EU3-Azore Loser

The Azores are a small group of islands (under Portuguese control) that are strategically located due West of the Gibraltar Strait.

On one of those islands is a long standing NATO airfield (Lajes field) and port facility that has been mostly managed by the United States since the beginning of the Cold War.

Both the US and the EU are aware that any attempt to regain control of the Med requires the first step of having control of the Azores.

Author: Eric Weincam

EU4-Azore Spot The Europeans were stung by the loss of Lajes field in the Azores. They had not expected the US to take such an aggressive action, especially without the support of a Carrier Battle Group.

Now, the US is trying to get the location fortified before the Europeans can counter, and the Europeans want to re-take (or at least neutralize) the location before the US carriers get out of Norfolk.

Author: Eric Weincam

EU5-Tin Canary

The Canary Islands are located just South of the Atlantic entrance into the Med. Owned by Spain, they have represented a strategic control point since the days of ancient Rome.

One of the islands, Grand Canaria, hosts a large Spanish military base complete with hardened aircraft shelters and underground bunkers. From this base, the EU can interdict any shipping moving in or out of the Med. As long as Gran Canaria is functional, the US can not re-establish their LoC through the Med.

Russia has officially sided with the EU and has committed substantial surface forces to complement the French units already in the theater. Together they are prepared to oppose a pair of American carrier groups.

Author: Eric Weincam

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Atlantic Ocean Battleset

The Atlantic Battleset is the open ocean arena of Harpoon. The GIUK choke point is included to the North, as is the Strait of Gibraltar to the East, but the vast majority of the Battleset is the trackless expanse of the North Atlantic Ocean.

As Oceans go, the North Atlantic is about average in terms of size: Larger than the Indian Ocean, smaller than the Pacific. The true significance of the North Atlantic lies in shipping. Merchant vessels have braved the fierce storms, drifting icebergs, and dense fog for centuries as they plied the routes between Europe and the Americas.

Trans-Atlantic shipping is the lifeblood of trade between Europe and North America. Both Europe and North America are dependent upon this trade for their livelihood, especially in time of war. This century alone has seen two concerted and dedicated efforts to close the trade routes that span the Atlantic Ocean. In both the First and Second World Wars, the Germans very nearly severed the vital link between the old and new worlds using the original stealth platform: the Submarine.

The Soviet Union was prepared to wage unrestricted submarine warfare against NATO. The submarine was the capital ship of their navy, ideally suited to a continental power that need only deny free use of the sea to its maritime enemies. Before their eventual and inevitable collapse, the Soviets had built a fleet of over three hundred modern submarines.

NATO recognized this threat for what it was and spent billions of dollars to counter it. The fleets of the United States and her NATO allies are heavily oriented towards Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW). The fact that war never broke out is mute testimony to the validity of deterrence and peace through strength.

Here is a vast playing field, a constantly moving expanse of water that is often a dull gray reflection of leaden skies. Here is a trackless and featureless expanse, where even a Carrier Battle Group can become lost in the vast distances, and where merchants of very nationality go about their business.

Beach Reconnaissance

Soviet submarines have scored many successes in the Atlantic convoy lanes through the profligate expenditure of torpedoes and missiles. By the third week of the war, many submarines are suspected to be low on fuel and munitions. However, the number of submarines returning to ports in the Kola Peninsula is far lower than expected. Investigate.

Author: Herman Hum

Baltic Tide

World War III has been raging across the globe for three days already. Casualties have been high on both sides. Where the Soviets expected to make rapid gains on land, they have not. And where NATO expected to quickly gain control of the skies above Europe, the Pact has made more than a fight of it.

At sea, there are only the quick and the dead. What were supposed to be set piece battles turned into bloodbaths with the winner being whoever fired first. While no American carriers have been sunk, yet, three have been heavily damaged in the GIUK Gap alone. One of the few things going as planned is NATO's campaign against Soviet subs in the Atlantic and North Sea. With the combination of first-class sonar, excellent signals processing, and land and ship based aircraft, NATO has been able to smother almost any sub contact they run across.

Reinforcements are being rushed into the meat grinder that is the North Atlantic. Here, at least, NATO has the advantage of unrestricted access to the sea. Any Pact units in transit to the Atlantic must pass through restricted (and often NATO-controlled) seaways.

Author: Dave Steinmeyer

Carrier Exercise

Halfway through 2008, Europe started to realize that the Asian nations' sustained economic growth would eventually lead to a strong new powerhouse. Asian countries already built or bought several very effective carriers and, with China laying down both a 45000 ton and a 96000 ton aircraft carrier, Europe decided that carriers would become critical in the future.

While England's 2 new carriers are still years away, the time was ripe for some serious exercise.

Author: Freek Schepers

Shetland Squabble

As fish populations collapsed around the world due to overfishing, nations began to come into conflict. Some nations were not overly careful about whether or no they strayed into some other nation's fisheries or territorial waters.

In the last few months, Norwegian fishing boats have violated British waters. The British government intends to send a strong message. The British task commander is ordered to capture or sink Norwegian fishing boats found north of the Shetland Islands. The task force is currently south of the Shetland Islands.

Author: Herman Hum in collaboration with Mark Gellis

Baltic Sea Struggle

In the winter of 2011, tensions between NATO and Russia increased.

A Russian strategic pipeline was cut during winter, causing a giant environmental disaster. Sweden, Finland, and Russia accused each other of negligence, terrorism, and state-initiated protectionism of their own industry.

All three nations sent their ready squadrons of patrol ships into the Baltic.

Author: Freek Schepers

Operation Journeyman

Tensions in Argentina were high throughout the 70s. Border conflicts with Chile, a poor economic situation, and a lingering dispute over the Falkland Islands made UK Prime Minister Callaghan regularly check how fast SSNs could get to the South Atlantic as a deterrent to Argentina.

In November 1977, Britain announced that a nuclear submarine had arrived in the South Atlantic in response to the setting up of a naval base on South Thule by Argentina.

Britain warned that the British citizens in the South Atlantic had elected to remain part of the British Empire and that its deployment of a RN SSN was aimed to deter further violence.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Battles of the Third World War Battleset

"The reason for The War was named Etienne Duperre, a Belgian with a French father and German grandfather. As a minor political figure, a functionary in the Banking Committee of the European Economic Community, he was quiet, efficient, and young for his post. His personal passion was the idea of a United Europe - a single political entity composed of all European nations. The combination of the industries, populations, and creativity of Western Europe would create a third superpower (the fourth if you count China).

He was not alone in his passion, especially at the EEC, where many young people assumed that "someday" there would indeed be a United Europe, in the same sort of way people assume that "someday" men will land on Mars. It took a disaster to do it: the Depression of 1990. The EEC had gone to great lengths to integrate the economies of its member nations, much more so than even their close proximity would dictate. When the crash came, they all fell."

"Battles of the Third World War", Larry Bond, 1987, Game Designers' Workshop

Power Sweep

The war has not been kind to the Soviet navy; especially their submarine forces. In order to protect their remaining submarine units, the Soviets have been forced to begin escorting their less capable boats with first-line SSNs. In this engagement, a Soviet SSN is guarding two other units as they proceed south through the Norwegian Sea. Once the group has reached the Atlantic, the SSN will perform its own mission while the SS and SSGN attack surface shipping.

First, though, NATO will try to stop them.

Author: Dave Steinmeyer

Incoming Mail

The Soviets have two weapons that can reach NATO convoys in the Atlantic: submarines and long-range aircraft. Long-range bombers on the Kola peninsula can easily hunt the Atlantic. With Iceland in Soviet hands, however, they can attack at will and their range would be greatly increased. A standard NATO convoy crossing the Atlantic would consist of 40-50 merchant ships. Eight to ten escorts and, if they are lucky, a helicopter carrier, will provide protection from submarine and air attack. Here, a large NATO convoy has been detected by a Soviet Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite (RORSAT) and Tu-95 Bear Ds are sent out to pinpoint their position. Following close behind the Bears are two squadrons of Backfire bombers. This could be a very bad day for NATO...

Author: Dave Steinmeyer

Lone Wolf

Three NATO diesel submarines travelled north together, guarding each other during snorkelling periods. They had intended to conduct wolf pack operations near the Soviet sub base at Polyarnyy. They have been plagued by bad luck, however. First, one unit was sunk by a Tango-class SS before the other two could sink it. Then as they approached their objective, one of the remaining two boats hit a mine and was lost. The remaining ship, a Dutch Walrus-class, continued north and has run afoul of a coastal ASW group.

Author: Dave Steinmeyer

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Black Sea Battleset

The Black Sea is the back door to the Russian Empire. Along its shores, the armies of Alexander, Xerxes, and the Ottomans have marched. Strife has been a constant on her waters. The cultural and religious tensions of this polyglot region have not mellowed with age. Instead, they have festered and fermented to yield a witches' brew of hatred, envy, and fanaticism.

Welcome to the world of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Nicolae Ceausescu, and the Crimean. Enjoy your visit and remember to keep your powder dry...

Serpent's Island

Starting from 1878 back when the Treaty of Berlin offered it to Romania and until today, this piece of rock has played various roles that have reflected the interests of the countries in the region. After being a simple location for a lighthouse used for guiding navigation, it became a strategic point for the USSR, the latter annexing it in 1948 through a simple handing over minute, out of the desire to complete its control of the Danube by taking advantage of the military and strategic context of that time. After the fall of the Soviet Empire when it became part of Ukraine, the latter being USSR's successor state, the island has changed its nature and even its importance, with its statute now having major implications in establishing and delimitating [sic] Romania's and Ukraine's territorial seas and continental shelf. And those implications stem from the perspective and goal of exploiting the area's reserves of more than ten million tones of oil and 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

The basic treaty between the two countries, a treaty that Romania signed on June 2, 1997 under pressure to fulfil the border stability criteria needed to join NATO, has re-opened the issue in the context of subsequent border delimitation [sic] negotiations.

SOURCE: www.nineoclock.ro (March 4, 2009)

"World Court draws border between Romania, Ukraine"

The International Court of Justice has drawn the boundary between Ukraine and Romania in the Black Sea, striking a compromise in the longstanding argument.

The court discounted arguments and maps presented by both countries and drew a maritime boundary between the rival claims.

At stake is access to billions of cubic meters of natural gas and an estimated 10 million tons of oil, but it was unclear how the new line would divide those resources.

Romania said it got 79% of its claim. But Ukraine's deputy foreign minister Oleksandr Kupchyshyn said both parties were satisfied with the judgment, which he called a wise compromise.

The decision Tuesday by the court, the U.N.'s highest judicial body, is final and binding on both sides.

SOURCE: USA Today (March 4, 2009)

"State raid on Ukraine gas HQ raises fears of energy crisis"

Fears of a new European energy crisis were mounting on Wednesday after masked gunmen from Ukraine's intelligence agency stormed the headquarters of the state gas company in a raid that could throw relations with Russia back into crisis.


Millions of European consumers were left without gas for the first two weeks of this year after Russia severed supplies to Ukraine over a payment dispute that observers said involved political wrangling. Ukraine acts as a conduit for 80 per cent of Russian gas bound for Europe.

SOURCE: Adrian Blomfield, Daily Telegraph

(March 4, 2009)

"I...drink...your...milkshake. I drink it up!"

Daniel Plainview, "There will be Blood", Miramax films, 2007

Author: Herman Hum

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Blue Water Navy Battleset

This series of scenarios has been inspired by Michael A. Palmer's book, "The War that Never Was", iBooks, 2003.
The approximate year of the war is the mid-1980s. For one reason or another, on July 14, 198X, the USSR has decided to initiate hostilities with a blitzkrieg-style attack into West Germany.


This scenario is an interpretation of the account from Michael A. Palmer's, "The War that Never Was".

"At 0315 on the 14th, after receiving a prearranged extra low frequency (ELF) radio message to begin hostilities, the Oscar fired a pair of Type-65 wake-homing torpedoes at the Forrestal at a range of forty-five miles...

The Victor III evaded an attack by the John Rodger's SH-60B Seahawk LAMPS III, but was driven to the south of he American task force. Doing so put her squarely in the path of the Royal Navy SSN Talent.

This Trafalgar-class nuclear attack boat had departed the 2nd Submarine Squadron base at Devonport, near Plymouth, on the morning of 11 July to reinforce NATO submarines already in the Norwegian Sea. At 0306 on the 14th, the Talent, trailing a communications buoy, had received a coded VLF message--hostilities had commenced. Aware that the course of the Forrestal task force would shortly converge with that of the Talent, Captain Alan Maunde, not eager to risk an attack by "overanxious or jumpy American ASW types," decided to slow his passage north and allow the Americans to pass."

Author: Herman Hum

Hemphill's Ordeal

This scenario is an interpretation of the account from Michael A. Palmer's, "The War that Never Was".

"About a dozen Soviet submarines of various types, both diesel and nuclear-powered, lay athwart the sea lanes leading toward the Norwegian Sea. The Soviet Northern Fleet staff had charged its submarines with three tasks: reconnaissance for long-range SNA strikes, delaying the movement north of key American convoys and task forces, and attacking NATO ships and installations with torpedoes and missiles.

The Soviets had far better success with more traditional attacks. In the first twenty-four hours of the war, Soviet submarines and strike aircraft sank nearly half of the twenty-five ships in four convoys steaming for north Norway. By the evening of the 14th, one American destroyer, five frigates, and five freighters were at the bottom of the North Atlantic."

Author: Herman Hum

Get the Tbilisi

This scenario is an interpretation of the account from Michael A. Palmer's, "The War that Never Was".

"... A large convoy of eight Soviet cargo vessels carrying supplies and equipment had rounded the North Cape and was making its way to Harstad. Attack NATO aircraft were driven off by the Tbilisi's Flankers and Forgers. The Soviet carrier had covered the landing of the Northern Fleet's Marines at Harstad and seemed likely to safeguard the movement of the brigade's equipment and supplies to the newly established beachhead as well. Moreover, the carrier's fighters hindered movement by air of Norwegian reinforcements from the south to Bardufoss.

To Sir Owen, the continued presence of the Tbilisi in the Norwegian Sea ensured early defeat for NATO in north Norway. 'I would never have believed before the war', he confided to his naval aide, 'that one relatively small carrier could cause so many large problems.' At 0430 on the fifteenth of July, a tired GEN Peirse call CINCEASTLANT Hill-Norton at his Northwood, Middlesex, headquarters and explained the situation. 'Ben, your subs have got to get that Russian carrier out of there so my air can get to their cargo ships. Otherwise, we're facing disaster up north. My Norwegian boats can't do it alone.'

Hill-Norton was sympathetic. The ability of the Tbilisi's air group to fend off attacks from NATO land-based air and the Forrestal had surprised the Royal Navy's CINC, upset a variety of plans, and led to the wholesale destruction of Norwegian surface forces. 'Yes,' Hill-Norton responded, 'if we are going to get that carrier any time soon, our submarines will have to do the job. I'll talk to Dave.'"

"... Following the successful Soviet amphibious landing at Harstad, [Dave] Livesay had directed his submarines to focus their efforts against the well-screen Soviet supply convoy making its way along the Norwegian coast. Many of his submarines had been drawn inward toward the coast in an unsuccessful last-ditch attempt to prevent the amphibious landing on Hinnoy Island. Others had sparred, with some success, throughout D day with the Russian ASW group which screened the Tbilisi force further north. Later-arriving boats had been sent toward the North Cape, to loop around the rear of the powerful Russian task forces covering the approach of the supply convoy, and to get at the freighters, the sinking of which Hill-Norton himself had assigned top priority."

By 0600 on the fifteenth, several NATO SSNs had managed to make shallow runs and "pick up their mail," as one U.S. Navy submarine commander put it.

Author: Herman Hum

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Falklands Battleset

On April 2, 1982, Argentine forces invaded the Falkland Islands, which had been a British colony since 1833. 25 years later, here is another look at that war as a series of what was and, what might have been.
In this one I've tried to research the units each side had and build scenario's that more or less resemble the actual historical occurrences.

Act of Chapultepec

Mid-April, the world was stunned by testimony before the United Nation by the Governor of the Falklands. Under questioning, he revealed that Argentina had in fact been granted a permit to land on East Falklands and dismantle the old whaling station.

Argentina invoked the 1946 Act of Chapultepec, which called on all American states to jointly defend against outside aggression. Britain's declaration of an exclusion zone was said to qualify for such a case.

The USA declared themselves neutral; Brazil and Venezuela quickly indicated their support for Argentina.

With the Task force approaching the South Atlantic, the military situation had radically changed.

Author: Freek Schepers

Advance Subs

After the surprise Argentine invasion of the Falklands Islands, the British Defence ministry urgently ordered available Royal Navy units to the area.

As had been the case in earlier times of tensions, Britain's nuclear attack submarines, travelling continuously at high speed, would be the first warships on station. The arrival of the first submarines enabled the MoD to announce a 200nm exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands.

Argentina, meanwhile, was using her navy to reinforce the garrison in the Malvinas and to establish a blocking force for any early British units.

Author: Freek Schepers

Advance Guards

After the surprise Argentine invasion of the Falklands Islands, the British Defence ministry urgently ordered available Royal Navy units to the area.

A mixed destroyer/frigate squadron with attached support ships had just finished operation Springtrain around Gibraltar. On April 16th, this group was the first to enter the waters around the Falklands.

Argentina, meanwhile, was using her navy to reinforce the garrison in the Malvinas and to establish a blocking force for any early British units.

Author: Freek Schepers

South Georgia

One of the first tasks of the Falkland Task Force was the liberation of South Georgia. This was considered both a practice step for the Falklands liberation, and an essential first goal to secure safe anchorages for the many support ships that were needed by the Task force.

Author: Freek Schepers


April 1982. Argentine forces had invaded the Falkland Islands. Britain needed an answer. And fast.

The idea was simple: to destroy the vital landing strip at Port Stanley. The reality was more complicated. The only aircraft that could possibly do the job was three months from being scrapped, and the distance it had to travel was four thousand miles beyond its maximum range. It would take fifteen Victor tankers and seventeen separate in-flight refuelings to get one Avro Vulcan B2 over the target, and give the crew any chance of coming back alive.

Author: Freek Schepers

Between Ascension & San Carlos

"This is a hypothetical encounter between Argentine and British Surface Action Groups (SAGs) during the Falklands War. To demonstrate the vulnerability of the UK supply line, an Argentine SAG is going to intercept a British reinforcement group en route from Ascension to the Falklands. The UK group is well to the north of the war zone and can expect no help from the forces there."

This scenario was inspired by the situation described in the Harpoon scenarios for miniatures (version 3) from Game Designers' Workshop.

Author: Herman Hum


The sinking of the General Belgrano on May 2nd 1982 caused the single heaviest loss of the Falklands war.

HMS Conqueror showed that Argentinean escorts could not prevent nuclear subs from killing their ships.

As a direct result of this attack, the Argentine aircraft carrier 'Veinticinco de Mayo', which had successfully detected the Task Force with her Trackers and was preparing a strike with her A-4Q Skyhawks, returned to port and played no further part in the conflict.

Author: Freek Schepers


First of May 1982 was when hostilities finally broke out around the Falklands.

South Georgia had been liberated by the British and, early in the morning, a lone Vulcan bomber cut the runway at Port Stanley in half.

The Argentineans had their army dug in around the Falklands, had attack planes dispersed around the islands, and the Air force and Navy were ready to meet the British forces.

In the next three days, the General Belgrano and Sheffield were lost, air attacks proved the effectiveness of the Sea Harriers and SAMs; but also demonstrated their limitations and damaged many ships in the task force.

Victory could go either way.

Author: Freek Schepers

Pebble Island

During the night of May 14th, 1982; SAS commandoes intended to attack the airfield on Pebble Island. The raid was to be carried out via helicopter from HMS Hermes, which had detached from the CVBG during the night to steam towards Pebble Island with a small escort.

While the force was still 6 hours away from their attack, American SIGINT was received which indicated that the Argentinean aircraft carrier Veinticinco de Mayo had evaded British submarines and entered the 200nm exclusion zone.

A unique carrier battle was now brewing....

Author: Freek Schepers

Sea King to Chile Incident

One of the most mysterious events of the war happened on May 16th, when a Sea King was found burning and abandoned near Punta Arenas airbase. The British claimed a 500nm navigation error but, after the war, it became clear that SAS Special Forces had been planning a raid to take out the Exocet-armed Super Etendard aircraft which had sunk Sheffield and Atlantic Conveyor. Speculation on the nature of this operation still ranges from SAS-Hercules aircraft landing on Rio Grande airbase in order to destroy the planes on the ground to the setting up of covert radar facilities to provide early warning for the fleet.

Fact is that Chile felt it was the next target of the Argentine junta and, therefore, open to cooperation with the British.

Author: Freek Schepers


By mid-May, frantic preparations had been made for the amphibious landings on the Falklands. 5th Infantry Brigade had left Southampton on the QEII May 11th with her equipment being carried on the Baltic Ferry. Forty RFA and merchant ships sailed south to support the fleet. The key strategic asset was Ascension Island; used to launch the Vulcan Black Buck missions, cross-deck and train troops, and to replenish ships.

The ships and troops needed to sail south at maximum speed to support the fleet and the upcoming amphibious landings.

Author: Freek Schepers

The Supply War

By the 20th of May, there were strong indications that invasion was imminent. Destroyers had shelled Argentine coastal garrisons and rumours were rampant that SAS troops were on the ground. During the night, an Argentine freighter was shelled by an unknown British warship in Falkland Sound.

The success of the invasion would depend largely on the British ability to re-supply the beachhead; dependant upon a supply line stretching 8000nm between the UK and the Falklands and maintained by 50 ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and a selection of leased merchant ships whose crew were being paid 150% danger pay.

San Carlos

By the 20th of May, there were strong indications that invasion was imminent. Destroyers had shelled Argentine coastal garrisons and rumours were rampant that SAS troops were on the ground. During the night, an Argentine freighter was shelled by an unknown British warship in Falkland Sound.

By daybreak, Argentinean observation posts saw the amphibious force steam into San Carlos waters.

Author: Freek Schepers

Independence Day

On May 25th, Argentina's Independence day, the Argentine Air Force made another all-out attack on the amphibious ships in Falkland Sound.

The near suicidal bravery of the Argentine pilots had sunk Sheffield and Ardent, and hit Argonaut, Glasgow, Antrim, Brilliant, and Broadsword with bombs that failed to explode.

The BBC broadcast a review last night which included the statement that many bombs did not explode as their arming wires were too short for the altitudes from which they were dropped. Argentine armourers are sure to be resolving this problem.

The British also started to realise that a great deal of planning preceded each Argentine attack and that Exocet missiles were generally aimed at Carriers while planes armed with bombs and rockets sought out Amphibs and warships. Decoy flights designed to draw CAP away from target areas are also employed by the FAA.

Author: Freek Schepers

Beachhead Breakout

Almost a week after the initial landings on San Carlos, UK forces broke out of their beachhead. 2nd Para captured Goose Green in a daring raid and 42 Commando started moving east towards Port Stanley while 5th Infantry Brigade was being unloaded and supplied.

A severe weather front forced most amphibious ships to withdraw to open seas and grounded all air operations. Most troops on the ground saw this as a much-needed interruption from the continuous Argentine air attacks.

Author: Freek Schepers

Bluff Cove

On June 8 1982, one of the most tragic events of the Falklands war took place. Two amphibious ships embarked with the Welsh Guards were taking too long to unload at Bluff Cove and, when daylight broke, were found and bombed by the Argentine air force with heavy loss of life.

Later investigations speak of inter-service rivalry between the British forces, and of a blatant disregard of the basic principles of amphibious operations.

Author: Freek Schepers

Parting Gift

Just before the final surrender of Argentine troops in Port Stanley, Britain receives word of frantic activity at Argentina's nuclear facilities.

The US Air Force Space Command reports the test firing of a Condor II Argentine Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile has taken place with the missile passing over the Argentine tracking station in Kings Bay, Antarctica.

Britain decides that it must act to pre-empt desperate last-minute Argentine actions.

Author: Freek Schepers

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

On May 1, 1982 Exocet missiles fired by Argentine Air Force Super-Etendard aircraft sank HMS Sheffield and set fire to HMS Invincible. That same afternoon, a full squadron of Mirage IIIE overwhelmed Hermes' Sea Harriers (mostly by forcing them to Bingo) and 8 Navy Skyhawks from CV Veinticinco de Mayo carried out a mission for which they had been training months prior. Flying at very low altitude and using a makeshift datalink to a Russian Tu-142 Bear MPA circling the British TF, they knew that the Type 42's Sea Dart missiles cannot lock-on. Using modified Mk83 fuses that explode when dropped from as low as 30m, eight A4s made a devastating attack and put 3x 1000lb bombs through HMS Hermes' flight deck.

After burning for hours, HMS Hermes sank during the night and, with HMS Invincible damaged, the chance of a quick liberation of the Falklands was lost.

Follow-up attacks by Daggers were unopposed by Sea Harriers and damaged 4 more ships the next day. The British Task Force withdrew to the safety of Ascension Island and limited itself to a blockade of the Argentine ports and preventing Argentine re-supply of the Falklands through the nuclear submarines on patrol within the TEZ.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher maintained publicly that the Falklands would never be given up and swore to avenge the hundreds of British casualties. She ordered a crash program to re-commission HMS Bulwark or commission HMS Illustrious with RAF Harriers. To provide early warning and air defense, the UK started discussions with USA, Australia, and Brazil to lease a full-sized aircraft carrier and equip it with Harriers, Phantoms, and/or Gannets if pilots could be found with recent deck landing experience.

By the end of May, Britain presented evidence of the Russian Bear's role in the attack on HMS Hermes and announced the extension of the TEZ to include all Russian forces. In response, Russia started to strengthen their base in Luanda with long-range bombers and sent part of their Indian Ocean squadron to the South Atlantic

Author: Freek Schepers

Malvinas III (2012)

After normalisation of the relationship between Argentina and Britain in the 90s, tension returned in 2012. Economic pressures and publication of 30-year old secret documents fueled nationalism in both countries.

The press was rife with "analysis" of how the retirement of Britain's carriers and Harriers would make fighting a new Falkland war impossible. Opposing views held that the ground-based radars, Typhoons, and permanent presence of 1200 infantry and SAMs (vs 60 marines in 1982) as well as the presence of Royal Navy ships would either deter or defeat invaders until reinforcements arrived by air.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Georgian War Battleset

On 8 August, 2008, the "new" Russia announced - in blood - that it would not tolerate freedom and self-determination along its borders. Georgia is an independent, functional democracy tied to the European Union and striving to join NATO. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin put it bluntly: Today, Georgia, tomorrow Ukraine (and the Baltic states had better pay attention).

Working through their mercenaries in South Ossetia, Russia staged brutal acts of provocation against Georgia from late July onward. On 7 August, Georgia's President finally had to act to defend his people.

But when the mouse stirred, the cat pounced.

The Kremlin spent months planning and preparing this operation. Any soldier above the grade of private can tell you that there was absolutely no way Moscow could have launched a huge ground, air, and sea offensive in an instantaneous "response" to alleged Georgian actions.

Just as Moscow has reverted to its old habit of sending in tanks to snuff out freedom, Washington has defaulted to form by abandoning Georgia to the invasion - after encouraging Georgia to stand up to the Kremlin. This invasion is reminiscent of 1956, when the Hungarians were encouraged to defy Moscow - then abandoned by the West. And, again, of 1991, when Iraq's Shia were urged to rise up against Saddam only to be promptly deserted.

A Georgian Affair

On 8 August, 2008, ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet deployed to the coast of Georgia to take participate in the "forcing to peace" operation.

The Ukrainian government saw the writing on the wall. With this invasion, the Kremlin was re-asserting control over its sphere of influence on the former Soviet republics.

In hopes of checking future aggression from Crimean bases leased to Russia, the Ukrainian parliament demanded that the vessels which participated in this naked act of aggression not return to those ports.

Russian Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Anatoly Nogovitsyn, replied in a Moscow press conference, "These are our bases and we will return there," he stressed.

The Ukrainian armed forces have been ordered to enforce the parliamentary decree.

Author: Herman Hum

Georgia Peach

On 13 August, 2008, President Bush directed the United States Navy to oversee a "rigorous and ongoing" air and naval humanitarian mission to Georgia.

20 August, 2008, DDG McFaul, WHEC Dallas, and LCC Mount Whitney were soon enroute to Georgia after picking up aid supplies in Crete.

21 August, 2008, Russian forces block the only land entrance to the Georgian port of Poti after vowing to withdraw troops the day before.

Author: Herman Hum

Montreux Convention

Since 1936, the Montreux Convention has governed the passage of naval vessels through the Straits of Bosporus and the Dardenelles. Turkish sovereignty over these waters was recognized with all signatories. The Convention limits vessels to 15,000 tons with a maximum combined tonnage of 45,000 tons for countries not sharing a border on the Black Sea. Foreign naval vessels are limited to 21 days within the Black Sea.

On 21 August, 2008, three NATO frigates from Spain, Poland, and Germany sailed into the Black Sea and were joined by the American frigate, Taylor, for port visits and exercises off the coasts of Romania and Bulgaria.

On 27 August, Russia's ambassador to NATO gave an interview with newspaper, Vremya Novostei, warning that, any NATO attack on the Moscow-backed regions would mean, "a declaration of war on Russia."

Author: Herman Hum

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Classic GIUK Battleset

The Norwegian sea is the rectangular area enclosed by Iceland, Norway, Greenland, and the north polar icecap. It is essentially a closed body of water. It can be entered from the north by going under the ice cap or around North Cape, and from the south through the straits between Greenland, Iceland, and the United Kingdom. This latter entrance is often called the "GIUK gap".

All of these entrances can be mined, patrolled, and otherwise monitored by today's sophisticated electronic sensors.

If the Soviet Union and NATO ever go to war, the Norwegian Sea will be one of the most fought over bodies of water in history. The geography of the Atlantic and each side's strategic goals in wartime make this almost inevitable.

NATO has based its strategy on a defensive war, slowing down and attriting (using slow unit-by-unit destruction) the Soviets until they are convinced that the terrible risk they took was in vain, and they cannot fulfill their war aims. The only problem with it is that the massive Soviet Army can probably win unless massive reinforcements from the US get across to Europe quickly. Ninety-five percent of these American and Canadian troops, weapons, and supplies would have to come by sea. There are not enough aircraft in the world to move it all by air.

It takes a fast ship four or five days to cross the Atlantic, a slow ship twice that long. The war material must be unloaded at a busy port and then moved on an overloaded and probably besieged transportation system to the front. Starting the stream of reinforcements early and smoothly is one of NATO's top priorities.

In concert with this effort to move supplies, NATO naval forces would be attempting to attack Soviet forces as they advanced along the Norwegian coast (the "Northern Flank"), pinning down Soviet Naval forces and perhaps even putting them on the defensive. This might draw valuable Soviet assets away from the central front.

Finally, NATO submarines would attack "The Bastion". This is a semi-enclosed area of water, such as the Kara Sea, or under the ice, where the Northern Fleet's ballistic missile submarines would hide, escorted and shielded by nuclear attack subs, Soviet ASW aircraft, and hunter-killer groups of Soviet ASW surface ships. [These same NATO subs could also conduct Tomahawk strikes on Soviet bases on the Kola Peninsula.]

Soviet strategy is not the mirror image of NATO's. The Soviet Navy's most important mission is to support and protect the ballistic missile subs, in their Bastions, keeping them secure until they are needed, or for use as a bargaining chip for post-war negotiations.

Their second priority is to defend the homeland from strikes by NATO. To do this they will try to detect NATO units as they enter the Norwegian Sea, classify them (so that they can determine the probable threat they pose), and attack them with submarines and aircraft.

Next, they will support the Army's efforts in Norway, trying to gain sea control along the coast and providing air cover and "sealift" or cargo support. The Soviet Navy could easily support a series of small "coast-hopping" assaults, each one outflanking the defenders.

Finally, they will send submarines and long-range aircraft into the Atlantic to attack the supply convoys that NATO will send across. Although the convoys have a high priority for NATO, it is much lower for the Soviets since only a few submarines sent into the Atlantic will force NATO to commit strong forces to escorting convoys. Consider the fact that fourteen German U-Boats were able to sink 450 Allied ships between January and July of 1942!

This may change, though. Soviet and NATO doctrines are both moving away from a nuclear (short) war to a conventional (long) war strategy. The longer the war, the greater the importance of sea lines of communication become.

Both side's missions will draw them into the Norwegian Sea. It is the buffer between two enemy fleets, the highway to enemy waters, and a goal in itself.

Doolitov's Raid

NATO has committed massive amounts of air power to the land campaigns in Norway and on the Central Front in Europe. As a result, the Soviets are finding it tough going in these theatres. If they can successfully strike behind the lines in much the same way the US did to Japan during World War II and inflict serious damage on the cities and NATO bases on the British Isles, NATO will be forced to withdraw air assets from the front lines to better defend the British home turf.

Author: Herman Hum

Harpoon Designers Series II - GIUK Battleset

The passages of the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom [GIUK] Gap remain an intense focal point even in time of peace.

The GIUK Gap is THE single most significant choke point for Russian merchant and naval shipping. These waters are also rich with abundant fishing areas and valuable mineral deposits and disputes regarding them are common. The resources that Russian once counted on are no longer guaranteed and a hungry Bear is a dangerous thing, indeed. At the same time, the Western Democracies are scrapping their naval assets faster than they built them in the 1980s.

The potential for armed conflict remains very real.

The choke-point nature of the geography dictates that the GIUK will remain a very busy place in terms of submarines and ASW operations with land-based aircraft playing a major role. The ubiquitous Tu-95 Bear and the omnipresent P-3 Orion remain prominent and, with the proximity of numerous land bases, you will also find the Atlantique, the May, and the Nimrod; each a major player in either closing or holding open the door to the Atlantic.


Sweden's neutrality lasted only as long as the Reformed Russian Republic had no need of anything that Sweden had and not a moment longer. The determined resistance of the United States' 1st Special Forces put the R3 theatre commander behind schedule by 36 hours. Behind schedule has never been a comfortable place for a Russian Commander and this commander was determined to be uncomfortable only for a very short period of time. His plan to get things moving again involved turning Norway's southern flank. But, in order to do that, staging bases closer than Germany were required. Unfortunately for Sweden, bases that fit the bill were Swedish. The remaining life of Sweden's neutrality was measured in hours.

NATO wanted to provide assistance. The problem was, other than providing advanced warning of the attack, NATO had nothing to give. The few remaining Norwegian F-16s could not be re-oriented to cover Swedish airspace without leaving the northern FEBA vulnerable. CENTAF simply had no aircraft to spare. RAF operational reserves had been released to guard the northern approaches to the UK. The German air force ceased to exist as an effective fighting force 90 seconds after the first shots were fired. Combined chemical, biological, and conventional missile, artillery, and air attacks have a tendency to do that.

Although alone in the snow, the Swedes were not without hope. Sweden had been neutral. Sweden had not been stupid. Sweden's defense expenditures had increased from 2.9% of GNP in 1987 to 4.5% of GNP in 1996. A large portion of that money was spent on the procurement of Viggens, Sweden's latest multi-role fighter aircraft. It was with the Viggens that this battle would turn.

Author: Herman Hum


The events leading to the reformation of the old Soviet Union were numerous, anticipated by many, observed by many more, fatal for some and potentially deadly for the world. But famine, civil unrest, martial law, and dictators almost always are. The Reformed Russian Republic was neither reformed nor a republic. But it was Russian. Very Russian.

Seventeen months after the Marshals dissolved the Politburo, shot the President, and invited the Supreme Soviet to reconvene in a much cooler climate; the military machine that had been built by paranoid fathers and unleashed by older, misguided brothers was freed and pointed west. The time had come for the investment in tanks, ships, and aircraft to be redeemed.

Since the initiation of hostilities on 4 Feb, 1997, the R3 navy has enjoyed great success. Naval aviation attacks on Keflavik paved the way for a successful airborne assault. Andoya and Bodo in Norway soon followed. With newly liberated air bases allowing almost full coverage of the North Sea, the waters and skies north of England have become very unfriendly for Allied ships and aircraft. All of NATO's carriers and most NATO major surface combatants have been withdrawn to the North Atlantic to ensure the security of the sea lanes of communication. NATO command was willing to trade control of the North Sea for a period of time for a much better chance of getting the convoys of troops, tanks, and munitions that CENTAG would require across the grey seas from America to Europe.

Protection of NATO's north-eastern flank has fallen primarily to air power. Of the northern NATO bases, only Stornoway has remained operational. NATO's other air bases have fallen victim to standoff attacks from the Keflavik Bears, Badgers, and Backfires or to R3 surface action groups. NATO command's decision to re-deploy the majority of US air assets to bases in southern England to better support CENTAG has left only the RAF. The Air Vice-Marshall released the remaining reserves of the 41st Squadron and the 12th Squadron to provide tactical flexibility. A credible strike force could be mounted from Stornoway.

Original author: Delwin Hinkle
Author: Herman Hum


The war between the CIS and NATO has been raging for three weeks with the CIS gaining the upper hand with their swift conquest of the nations surrounding the Norwegian Sea. Gaining access to the Atlantic in this manner, many of their hunter-killer submarine groups have been able to sortie thus harassing NATO convoys and wreaking havoc with NATO's wartime plans. SACEur has had enough and finally convinces the USN to launch an amphibious invasion of Norway to stop the flow of subs that are sinking his supplies!

In order to pull off such a daring invasion, a CVBG is pulled from escort duty and ordered to soften up the air power that the CIS has built up in Norway. The USN also pulls together all of its newest ships in the 'Gator navy. Finally, the AV-8B Harrier II+ is embarked on the Wasp-class ships. This will prove to be its debut in combat.

There is little time left for NATO. At the rate the CIS subs are sinking convoys, NATO won't last another two weeks. This invasion must be successful!

Author: Herman Hum

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Harpoon Commander's Edition WestPac Battleset

The Western Pacific is the home to a number of interesting naval scenarios. There are a number of old disputes here, ranging from the failure of the PRC to recognize the independence of Taiwan to the 50-year old conflict between North and South Korea. The Western Pacific is a huge expanse of water, providing plenty of open water for the hunted as well as the hunter.

Since the close of the Cold War and disintegration of the Warsaw Pact military bloc, the expected arean of any major armed conflict has shifted more and more to the Western Pacific region. As of 2005, conflict rages in Iraq, Afghaistan, Sri Lanka, and any number of smaller conflicts around the world. However, the rocketing growth of the Chinese economy and the disquieting actions of North Korea dominate the spectre of major military conflict in this 21st century.

China's growing military might creates uncertainty for the rest of the world. Will China use force to bring Taiwan back under its control, potentially dragging the USA and Japan into direct armed conflict? How fiercely will China exploit and defend deposits of natural resources and the sea lanes which carry the lifeblood of its burgeoning economy?

North Korea, always on the brink of mass starvation, continues its development of nuclear weapons and the long-range missiles that could carry them. Will the world react at some point to enforce UN resolutions with military action? Will China come to North Korea's aide? Will North Korea continue to proliferate missile technology to dangerous nations around the world?

Japan, relaxing its pacifist constitution with each passing year, seeks to strengthen its own defensive capabilities in the face of the growing might of China and the constant danger posed by North Korea. Memories of a harsh Japanese colonial rule, however, continue to run deep in the Pacific Rim. How will its neighbours respond to a more offensively minded Japanese military?

Pocket democracies Australia and New Zealand, facing many potential enemies, meanwhile, use ever penny they can spare to defend their hopelessly large coastlines and their long and vulnerable trade routes.

The United States of America, embroiled in multiple conflicts around the world and the never ending War on Terror, is shifting a majority of its military power to the Pacific. Can the US keep pace with China's explosive growth? Can the global policeman meet every new challenge?


The Cold War finally went hot and furious as battles arose around the world. This scenario deals with a U.S. multi-carrier attack supported by Japanese forces in the Western Pacific. The U.S. forces must neutralize the Soviet fortresses in the theatre. Those Red bases are heavily protected.

Backyard II - Final Shootout

The Cold War finally went hot and furious as battles arose around the world. This scenario deals with a final U.S. multi-carrier attack supported by Japanese forces in the Western Pacific. The U.S. forces have neutralized all but one of the Soviet fortresses in the theatre. Now it is time to finish the job.


The war in central Europe is bogging down. Although NATO has suffered horrendous losses, the Soviet armoured thrust has lost its momentum. There are rumours of growing dissension and unrest among the upper echelons of military command in Moscow. The risk of the Soviets resorting to the use of nuclear weapons in desperation has climbed considerably in the past few days. US Navy ballistic missile submarines, already deployed and at sea, have been directed to their patrol stations in case things 'go south'. Several of these boomers, including USS Tennessee, have been ordered to take up positions where they could potentially exploit depressed trajectory launches of their missile load thereby reducing warning time substantially.

This scenario was originally written by Brad Leyte for the Harpoon Classic Commander's Edition and has been re-built for Harpoon 3 with the consent of the author.

This scenario was tested in both Harpoon3.6.3 and ANW and found to be MUCH more challenging in ANW. It is fully compatible with the newly released 3.9.2 patch

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Hugo's Folly Battleset

Elections in the Netherlands Antilles have seen gains for the political party seeking closer ties to Venezuela and its President, Chavez.

The Government has fallen and the legal status of the islands is unclear; with Curacao an independent nation within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba, and Bonaire seeking a similar status, and the three smaller islands of St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, and Saba being municipalities within the Netherlands. Early this morning, Venezuela carried out a sudden invasion of the ABC islands.

Netherlands has a standing presence in the Caribbean with an FFG (currently Van Galen), 2 companies of Royal Marines, and several Coast Guard Cutters to deter any aggression and interdict drug shipments. It looks like Netherlands will have to fight the first phase of the aggression alone.

Flight of the Governor

Venezuela has recently received deliveries of new Su-30 Flankers from Russia. Coupled with the political chaos of the current situation and the aspirations of a megalomaniac, this is a potentially volatile and lethal mixture.

St. Maarten

Netherlands has a standing presence in the Caribbean with an FFG (currently Van Galen), 2 companies of Royal Marines, and several Coast Guard Cutters to deter any aggression and interdict drug shipments. The 2 short companies of Royal Dutch Marines fought a gallant rear-guard action towards the airport and left the island in two Fokker patrol planes.

The Netherlands has announced that it will send a task force to retake the islands, and convened an urgent NATO meeting this morning. The NATO meeting ended in an uproar after the NATO president determined that Article 5 did not apply and recommended diplomacy to end the crisis. The Dutch ambassador announced that Netherlands was ending its NATO military mission in Afghanistan with immediate effect and that in fact the 1500 Dutch troops there were already packing. It looks like Netherlands will have to fight the first phase of the aggression alone.

Assemble in the Antilles

The Netherlands has sent a task force to the Caribbean. The fast Frigates and support ships have arrived, but the amphibs and transports are still several days away from the conflict.

Liberation of Antilles

Netherlands has pulled together the largest Task Force it is capable of amassing. Due to recent sales of Frigates, P-3's, and F-16s, it is numerically at a distinct disadvantage. The Dutch armed forces are counting on their technical quality and training to attain victory.

Liberation of Antilles ('75)

This is the 1975 variant of the fourth scenario in the "Hugo's Folly" Battleset.

The 'elected' prime minister of Venezuela, Perez, has invaded the ABC Islands to capture and nationalise the refineries built there to process the new Venezuelan oil.

The Netherlands, still outraged over how they were forced to give up New Guinea to Indonesia 14 years ago, has decided not to invoke article 5 of the NATO charter, but to demonstrate to the world that it can take on a Banana Republic by itself.

Netherlands has pulled together the largest Task Force it is capable of amassing. This fleet comprises a mixture of soon-to-be retired units, like CG Zeven Provincien, the Utrecht-Class DDs, and recently acquired forces, such as the new flagship FFG Tromp and the Canadian versions of the F-5. The Dutch armed forces are counting on their technical quality and training to attain victory.

Caribbean Happy Hour

In the last few years, Venezuela made over 4B$ in military purchases from Russia. Su-30 Flanker planes, attack helicopters, and SAMs significantly changed the balance of power in the southern Caribbean. Negotiations continue over SSKs and, in September 2008, two Tu-160 Blackjacks made a surprise visit to Venezuela and flew patrols before returning to Russia.

In summer 2008, the US re-activated the 4th Fleet to cover the Caribbean and CVBG George Washington practiced in the area before re-locating to Yokosuka, Japan. This left the Atlantic with just one carrier, Theodore Roosevelt which, in November 2008, was located in South Africa.

In November 2008, pre-planned joint exercises started between a Russian SAG, comprised of the nuclear cruiser Petr Velikiy plus an escorting destroyer, and the Venezuelan Navy. At the same time, Russia and Venezuela announced a plan to jointly exploit new oil and gas fields found near Aruba, about 60nm off the coast of Venezuela. Moreover, CIA intell received on November 12th indicated that Tu-160s had once again landed near Caracas. The threat posed by this development sparked a frantic buildup of Navy ships in the Caribbean.

Fourth fleet was equipped with a minimal number of ship which, supported by a Dutch frigate stationed in Curacao, were on drug interdiction duties.

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Indian Ocean Battleset

The Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf regions would be sleepy backwaters were it not for oil. The vast quantities of oil discovered in the Persian Gulf provided the wealth and leverage the region had long lacked. It also provided the means for nations such as Iraq to purchase vast quantities of modern weapons for use against their neighbours.

The West has become dependent upon the oil that flows from the Gulf and through the Indian Ocean. The only nation which is dependent upon Persian Gulf oil that does not maintain a presence there is Japan. Even the United States, which draws less than 20% of its oil supply from the Gulf has maintained a constant naval presence there since 1948.

The inhabitants of the Gulf region are of two major peoples, Arab and Persian. Thus even the name of the Gulf is contested. The Arabs refer to it as the Arabian Gulf, while the Iranian's prefer to call it the Persian Gulf. They all share the same religion, much as Northern Ireland does. The followers of the Prophet are deeply divided between Shiite and Sunni, and tensions between the two sects frequently flash into violence.

The Indian Ocean nations are the poor cousins of the region. India and Pakistan were once the same nation, since torn asunder by religious warfare between Sikh, Moslem, and Hindu. The passions, hatred, and instability here make the Mediterranean look like an idyllic retreat. At any given time, there is likely a border skirmish going on between at least two of the nations in the region, and often more.

Welcome, then, to Southwest Asia. Remember to watch your back, for someone here will consider you an infidel and potential servant in Paradise...

Somali Pirates

2008 saw a huge increase in pirate activities in the Gulf of Aden and Western Indian Ocean.

In the absence of an effective government in Somalia, whole fishing families took to piracy and hostage-taking as a means of income.

NATO's navies, vastly over-designed for the task (with poor HumInt and even poorer ROEs), are forced to carry out the oldest Navy mission of the alliance, keeping the Sea Lines of Communication open.

The task of preventing attacks by pirate ships nearly indistinguishable from regular fishermen is virtually impossible.

Ships operators refuse to let their ships sail only in escorted convoys (the Big naval lesson from the 20th Century!), but have agreed to report the positions of all merchant ships in transit to the NATO Operations centre in Djibouti to pass onto the NATO ships.

Author: Freek Schepers

Somali Convoys

2008 saw a huge increase in pirate activities in the Gulf of Aden and Western Indian Ocean.

In the absence of an effective government in Somalia, whole fishing families took to piracy and hostage-taking as a means of income.

NATO's navies, vastly over-designed for the task (with poor HumInt and even poorer ROEs), are forced to carry out the oldest Navy mission of the alliance, keeping the Sea Lines of Communication open.

The task of preventing attacks by pirate ships nearly indistinguishable from regular fishermen is virtually impossible.

Ships operators refuse to let their ships sail only in escorted convoys (the Big naval lesson from the 20th Century!), but have agreed to report the positions of all merchant ships in transit to the NATO Operations centre in Djibouti to pass onto the NATO ships.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Matchplay Battleset

Terrorist attacks on the Belgium Royal family have left the Dutch Crown Prince next in line to the throne of Belgium. Popular mourning and an uprising has quickly resulted into civil war between the French-speaking Walloons in southern Belgium and the Dutch-speaking Flemish in northern Belgium. Holland has quickly moved ground forces into Belgium to assert its claim to the throne, while France has tried unsuccessfully to mobilise the UN. But, as the Israelis showed in 1967, the UN cannot operate at the pace of modern warfare…



Second in the MATCHPLAY battleset, playable from the Dutch side.

To reinforce the French fleet, the Carrier Charles de Gaulle is moving from the Mediterranean to Brest. The UN has stopped all combat and your mission is to sink Charles de Gaulle using your remaining Dutch submarines


Second in the MATCHPLAY battleset playable from French side.

The UN has enforced a ceasefire after a day of 'hyperwar'. The French Department of Defence has announced that around 60 Dutch F-16 fighters and a frigate have been destroyed. While the Dutch divisions in Belgium have been hit hard, reinforcements have taken their place and Flanders is firmly in Dutch hands. BDA suggests that our air strikes have destroyed the revetments, tarmacs, and hangars on Florennes and destroyed all Belgian F-16s based there on the ground. The amphibious landings on Walcheren failed within sight of the objective. All four landing ships were damaged and Jeanne d'Arc had to be towed clear of the area and is now in drydock in Brest.

A shock has gone through the French press as the losses are becoming apparent; 150 (one hundred and fifty!) of our best front-line fighters destroyed, as well as two of the priceless E2 and E3 AEW planes! Never in the history of French warfare has there been such a bloody defeat against an enemy that, apart from a recent struggle with Norway over oil (See OILFIRE.SCN), has only practiced war, not waged it.

The Navy has been hard hit, as well. Apart from the damage to Jeanne d'Arc, 10 Frigates and Destroyers were lost. The 10 Rafale fighters have done well before they were shot down and a few replacements have even been found straight off the production lines.The worst stain on France's honour has been that the damaged heavy lift vessels packed with Marines have had to surrender and become prisoners of war in Belgium.



Third of the MATCHPLAY battleset playable from the German (allies of France) side.

The Charles de Gaulle has safely entered Brest after sinking two Dutch submarines, but losing a frigate, her last Rafale, and one of our two remaining Hawkeye's. All point-defence weapons were used up in our last action and both sides, astonished by the supremacy of defensive firepower, refrained from gun actions and withdrew. One Achilles' heel remains that we can exploit; the Dutch are totally reliant on merchant traffic to Rotterdam and Antwerp. Unfortunately, our amphibious landing on Walcheren to close the entrance to both ports failed and France lacks the resources to implement a Maritime blockade of the North Sea.


Third of the MATCHPLAY battleset, playable from the Dutch side.

The Netherlands has lost a lot of F-16s against France, but most pilots have bailed out over friendly territory and are fit to fly. Belgian F-16s, captured intact, are being readied for operations. Denmark also flies 62 F-16MLUs, based on two bases in Skrydstrup and Aalborg. A daring plan has been developed to raid the Danish airbase of Skrydstrup, neutralise the defences, bring in pilots and maintenance crews by plane, and fly the aircraft to Netherlands.

Author: Freek Schepers



Holland has moved ground forces into Belgium and defeated French attempts to interfere. The Charles de Gaulle has been sunk and the French air force is licking its wounds.

The UN has authorised all members to take steps to reverse this situation and the UK has taken up the call of duty.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Mediterranean Sea Battleset

The Mediterranean Sea is the cradle of Western civilization. Along its shores developed the societies of Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Crete, Ancient Greece, Rome, Carthage, and the Ottoman Empire. The world's first navy is attributed to Crete and the first recorded naval battles occurred here.

Strife has been the single constant of life on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. From "The face that launched a thousand ships" to the civil war in what was briefly (in the terms of this region) known as Yugoslavia, war has been the rule and peace the exception. The cultural and religious tensions of this diverse region have not mellowed with time. Rather, they have festered and fermented, yielding a witches brew of hatred, envy, and fanaticism.

The Mediterranean is a virtual sideshow in the context of warfare between the West and whatever eventually rises from the ashes of the Soviet Union. The major players are all found here, but they are not the predominant powers in the region. This is the realm of regional powers and gunboat diplomacy, a place where terrorism and piracy continue with alarming frequency.

Welcome, then, to the world of Plato, Aristotle, and Muammar Khadaffi. Enjoy your visit and remember to keep your powder dry...

Gulf of Sollum

On March 7th 1983, at the height of the Cold War, Hr Ms Zwaardvis is leaving Den Helder, Netherlands for a five week underwater transit to Naples, Italy. The SSK has been added to Task Force 69, and will carry out Recon missions of Soviet fleet anchorages just outside the Libyan 12-mile zone in the Gulf of Sollum.

The Soviet Black Sea Fleet, faced with being bottled up behind the Bosporus, has taken to basing numerous warships in deep anchorages in International waters off North Africa in the Med. Sollum is the biggest of these.

NATO MPA's keep a permanent watch on these offshore bases; but submarines are better able to observe Soviet activities, doctrine, training exercises and take hullshots of newly arrived ships and subs.

This, then, is the mission of Hr Ms Zwaardvis, a modern Dutch submarine designed for the Cold War.

Author: Freek Schepers

The Third Temple

A surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel during Yom Kippur yesterday has been astonishingly successful.

Using the element of surprise, the Egyptian and Syrian Air Forces destroyed scores of Israeli planes in their revetments. Under cover of the strongest SAM-belts the world has ever seen, Syrian ground forces have broken through Israeli defences along the Golan Heights and are pushing south towards Jerusalem. Israeli ground-attack planes destroyed scores of tanks, but were decimated by SAMs.

As the Syrians are moving out of the protection of their SAM belt, they rely on the Air force to support the advancing tanks.

In desperation, Israel and has ordered the arming of F-4 Phantoms with Nuclear bombs.

Author: Freek Schepers

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New Dynasty Battleset

A series of scenarios involving China. This is a hypothetical, but very possible series in which a regional confict eventually draws the U.S. into conflict with China.

Gwadar you up to?

China has been a net oil importer since 1993, with the bulk of its Middle Eastern energy imports being transported circuitously by sea via the Strait of Malacca. The country's rising demand for overseas oil, fuelled by its rapid economic growth, has raised concern about becoming over-reliant on this narrow waterway.

An alternate supply route in the form of a road and an eventual pipeline from Gwadar, Pakistan to China's westernmost provinces would reduce the dependence. Moreover, situated opposite the Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 per cent of the world's energy exports flow, Gwadar offers Beijing opportunities to monitor shipping along the worlds key oil 'highway' as well as US naval movements in the Gulf region.

In addition to enhancing Chinese energy security, Gwadar also offers Beijing substantial strategic leverage in South Asia. The new port in Pakistan, coupled with the Chinese-backed development of a container port facility at Chittagong in Bangladesh, is likely part of Beijing's larger strategy of 'strategic encirclement' of its rival neighbour, India.

New Delhi has become increasingly unsettled at the prospect of coastal Balochistan being used as a Chinese listening post, as well as the possibility that Chinese naval vessels could dock in such close proximity to Indian territory.

[From Jane's Foreign Report 27 March, 2007]

Author: Eric Weincam

Port Blair Witch

China and Pakistan have lodged strong complaints against India for their attack on the military facilities at Gwadar. However, the UN has been slow to respond and has done nothing but ask China to demonstrate restraint. There is fear around the world that China may retaliate with nuclear weapons, but this seems unlikely.

According to US sources, a Chinese SSBN has deployed from its base on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. China has neither confirmed nor denied this, but they HAVE stated that they have the right to conduct deterrent patrols.

Soon after, a pair of Chinese surface warships, operating out of Myanmar, attacked and sank an Indian-flagged container ship in the Bay of Bengal.

China affirmed this action as a retaliation against India. India has announced that they will take whatever steps are necessary to defend their merchant fleet.

Author: Eric Weincam

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Northern Fury Battleset

On the 19th of August 1991, hard-liners in the Soviet leadership, calling themselves the 'State Emergency Committee', launched the 'August Coup' in order to remove Gorbachev from power and prevent the signing of the new union treaty. Although experiencing some initial setbacks and resounding world condemnation - the coup was a success. The concepts of Perestroika and Glasnost, and the economic and political restructuring they implied, were abolished overnight. Independence movements in 14 states were ruthlessly quashed, including those in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Georgia where self-rule had already been declared. Internal strife reminiscent of the 1920's lasted for just over a month, but the iron rule of the re-invigorated Communist Party prevailed in all areas.

NATO watched nervously as their efforts to encourage Eastern European countries away from Communism were methodically dashed. Only Poland and the re-unified Germany managed to avoid the restoration of the Warsaw Pact. Poland has declared itself Neutral and Non-aligned; however, significant pro-Eastern Bloc movements exist and are in a constant struggle with its emerging Capitalist economy. Germany is in a difficult position as many of its Left Wing political elements have been proposing the abandonment of collective defense as a viable strategy for the future.

Meanwhile, NATO is decisively engaged as its (original 16) various governments were attempting to realize the 'peace dividend' by reducing military forces and employing what is left in non-traditional roles in order to justify costs. With significantly reduced Land, Sea, and Air forces embroiled in the Balkans, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Rwanda, and The Sudan, resources are spread thinner than ever before.

On the 9th of February 1994, a Soviet-supported Coup toppled the Polish government and sent the emergent democratic state into anarchy. UN Security council action has been futile and an emergency sitting of the NATO Council was called for the 12th of February.

In Norway - The International Olympic Committee, in consultation with the UN decided to carry on with the Winter Games which were opened in Lillehammer, on the 12th. Soviet and Eastern Bloc countries were represented at the opening ceremonies, but many of their athletes were not present at the start of the actual events on the 13th, the Russian Olympic village was empty and initial investigation found that many of the athletes had simply disappeared, while a few had flown home. Norway has called up its reserves and has ordered the IOC to cancel the games and evacuate the Olympic Village. The world is in an uproar over the loss of the Olympic spectacle and TV commentators all over the Globe are criticizing Norway's decision. (They need something to fill the air time!)

It is now 1400hrs on 13 Feb, 1994, the sun is setting over the North Cape of Norway. It promises to be a very cold night.

Designer's Notes:

This is a Classic Third World War Setting which focuses on the break out of the Red Banner Northern Fleet and its operations in the North Atlantic. Many Soviet platforms historically decommissioned between 1989 and 1994 remain active. Good luck.

1.0 H-Hour

As the arctic daylight fades into mid-afternoon twilight, the tension along the Soviet/Norwegian border erupts into a heavy artillery and rocket barrage. The Norwegian defence forces have been preparing for this day for many years. It is now time to defend their homeland or suffer a second occupation in 50 years. 'Helmets On!' this is going to be a tough one.

As the Norwegian commander, the best you can hope for is to inflict delay on the overwhelming force coming towards you. Destroy key bridges or tunnels to slow Soviet ground troops and inflict as many casualties as you can.

As the Soviet commander, you enjoy overwhelming superiority in numbers, but don't underestimate your opponent's capabilities. Your initial lunge into Norway needs to be quick and decisive. In order to pave the way for follow-on forces, you have three hours to secure key choke points and neutralize the air defences. Use a combined strike of Land, Sea, and Air forces to cripple the defences.

Author: Bart Gauvin

2.0 Sub Sweep

Sweep the NATO picket subs

Break out of Soviet Fleet subs

Author: Bart Gauvin in collaboration with Herman Hum

3.0 Bridging the Gap

Feb 14 1994, Valentines Day. Less than 24 hours ago Soviet forces struck all across Eastern Europe in a bid to seize the initiative and establish themselves as the dominant fore in Europe once and for all time.

NATO, and particularly the Americans are not well positioned to challenge this sudden attack. The defences of Northern Norway were caught off guard and much of the Soviet fleet has left port. Over 100 submarines, the CV Adm Kuznetsov, two BCGNs, and four CVHs have entered the North sea. The NATO submarine patrols off the North Cape have been silenced.

Simultaneous with the attack on Jan Mayan, the Royal Marine Commandos and Danish Home Guard on the Shetland Islands and Vagar are bracing for an attack. These island outposts stand square in the middle of the GIUK gap and, if left in NATO hands, would form the basis for an ASW/AAW barrier. In Soviet hands, the gap is wide open.

The Royal Navy is moving the HMS Invincible TG North to oppose the Soviet move. Will it be enough?

Author: Bart Gauvin in collaboration with Herman Hum

4.0 Ice Picket

Feb 14th 1994, Valentines Day. Less than 24 hours ago, Soviet forces struck all across Eastern Europe in a drive to seize the initiative and establish themselves as the dominant force in Europe once and for all.

NATO, and particularly the Americans are not well positioned to challenge this sudden attack. There are two US CVBGs in the Persian Gulf area and a third transiting the Indian Ocean and a fourth patrolling near Korea. The KITTY HAWK CVBG is in the Med but expected to be heavily engaged there. The INDEPENDENCE and ABRAHAM LINCOLN CVBGs currently in Norfolk, Virginia are expected to sortie very shortly.

The defences in Northern Norway were caught off guard, and much of the Soviet Fleet has left port. Russian submarine activity is very high, upwards of 100 submarines have been detected by SOSUS and the standing SSN patrols off the North Cape of Norway have been silenced.

The lonely outpost of Jan Mayan, a small Norwegian island North East of Iceland, has rapidly become a pivotal point. Completely surrounded by Ice Pack, the few inhabitants of this forlorn outpost are realizing that both NATO and the Soviets are willing to brave the -50C temperatures and bone chilling winds to hold their remote piece of the earth. While NATO air and ground forces scramble to establish and outpost, rumours of Russians appearing 'out of no where' abound throughout the village.

Author: Bart Gauvin

5.0 Northern Getaway

A devastating attack has been launched by the Soviet Union. NATO strategists believe that the next objectives are Jan Mayen Island and Iceland.

Author: Bart Gauvin in collaboration with Herman Hum

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Papa and Son Battleset

These scenarios are designed for beginners as an introduction to Harpoon3. All scenarios use the same theatre map but employ various smaller parts of this same map. The complexity and difficulty of the scenarios increases steadily as you progress through the Battleset.

This Battleset was originally designed for use with the HUD3 & H3ANW by Ralf Koelbach. It has been re-written for compatibility with the PlayersDB and Harpoon3 by Herman Hum with the consent of the author.

Wolves vs. Wolves

Wolves vs. Wolves gives you a first feeling about what sub vs. sub means. No ships and no aircraft are involved. You can and must concentrate on sub warfare. You will learn how diesel/electric subs perform vs. nuclear attack subs.

Author: Ralf Koelbach, Herman Hum

Channel Engagement

Channel Engagement gives you a first feeling about what ship vs. ship combat in the Cold War environment meant. No subs and no fixed-wing aircraft are present. Thus, you can and must concentrate on ASuW warfare. You will learn how modern naval warfare vessels perform. Most of all, you will see that guns have lost their status as the primary weapons they were in World War II.

Author: Ralf Koelbach, Herman Hum

Mixed Doubles

Mixed Doubles puts you in control of combined surface and subsurface forces. You will learn how to coordinate ships and submarines.

Author: Ralf Koelbach, Herman Hum

Wings of Steel

You are facing a Russian anti-surface task force [KUG] approaching the English Channel from the East. At all costs, you must prevent this Task Force from reaching the Atlantic and becoming a major threat to our vital sea lanes.

Author: Ralf Koelbach, Herman Hum

UnRep or Lose

You are facing an ugly situation: War has started some hours ago. The Russians strive to reach the Atlantic with their subs in order to close the vital sea lanes as soon as possible.

Some hostile subs are already in the English Channel. You have to stop them with only few assets available.

While your subs are combat ready, the deadly ASW helos on the Spruance destroyers are not. They are waiting for the torpedo loadouts.

The AOE ship is not far away. Conduct UnRep ops or your helos are toothless and the red subs will break through.

Author: Ralf Koelbach, Herman Hum

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Cold War Battleset

At a time when the potential loss of life from a failed nuclear gambit went beyond rational comprehension, conventional warfare was seen by some to be the last best hope of preserving their ways of living. The war of political rhetoric and posturing that had been raging for nearly four decades was about to come to an end. In its wake though, there would be no quick peace. The time for brinksmanship was past. Now the children of the Cold War would see the heat of battle.

Securing sources of oil and trade shipping routes were key factors in the forging of the wartime alliance between the Soviets, the Chinese, and assorted lesser Pacific Rim countries. Opposing this coalition, the United States, Japanese, Canadian, Australian and European governments fight to remove the perceived threats to their own economies. Most of the smaller countries around the world do not rush to the call for war. They saw that for them, the path to their best possible victory was to not get involved.



DATE/TIME: 12 FEBRUARY 1985, 06:00:00 ZULU

With the first war shots, DEFCON ONE status was automatic. Every submarine in the inventory that was capable of getting underway left port for the greater safety of the open sea. Only those boats with mechanical deficiencies remained docked, to leave when their problems were fixed. As a part of standing plans, all the assets of the United States Coast Guard were folded into the Navy's TOE, to be employed in such a way as to free regular Navy assets for higher priority missions. Their mission: sanitize the area around the sub bases, allowing the remaining subs to get to open water.



DATE/TIME: 12 FEBRUARY 1985, 18:00:00 ZULU

In response to building tensions before the outbreak of actual shooting, CINCPAC executed standing plans to enhance the ELINT capabilities of Guam. The transit schedule for the personnel of the units and members of CINPAC's staff was not hard to obtain and the PACRIM was presented with an opportunity to cripple both a critical ELINT unit and CINCPAC's staff with one blow. For the U.S. commander, the objective will be to escort the ELINT unit through a Soviet air blockade.



DATE/TIME: 4 MAY 1985, 03:00:00 ZULU

As the tensions with India increased, U.S. Forces began redeploying the Carrier Battle Group operating in the Mediterranean through the Red Sea and into the Indian Ocean. What was usually a peaceful transition went terribly wrong. An S-3 on a standard patrol ahead of the Battle Group picked up multiple large objects floating in the approaches out of the Red Sea. On closer examination they turned out to be mines; very sophisticated, variable-depth captor-like mines. As the Battle Group turned, something even more surprising occurred. Two large cargo vessels exploded almost simultaneously, blocking the Suez Canal. The American Battle Group was now stuck in a very small ocean. The only potentially hostile nation capable of developing such a mine was the Soviet Union. The tensions with India and the sudden explosion of war with the Soviets have caught an U.S. Carrier Battle Group in a bad place -- transiting the Red Sea. The Soviets and the Egyptians have each mined one end of the Sea, leaving no exit.



DATE/TIME: 20 May 1985, 02:00:00 Zulu

World wide systems analysts have unanimously agreed that NATO Forces were at least 2 generations ahead of the Soviets in command and control systems. Stolen technical materials confirmed the limited processing power of Soviet tactical computer systems. No one in the West could have predicted the almost seamless operation of Soviet offensive forces. NATO has devoted considerable assets to uncover the secret to their advanced operations. Soviet Black Sea Forces have been operating in an extremely coordinated manner. Their C3I Network has performed better than expected. An obvious conclusion that can be drawn is that somewhere, not far away, a very large and powerful computer center is crunching numbers very rapidly. A very high value target indeed.



DATE/TIME: 13 FEBRUARY 1985, 02:00:00

Predictably, when the opening shots of the Pacific Rim War were fired, merchants of all the involved countries - and a great number of neutrals - began to scream for protection. Having taken the lessons of the last World War to heart, Japan knew that the lanes of commerce to the home islands were particularly vulnerable to the threat of submarine attack. The challenge would be to quickly gather the merchants into something at least resembling a convoy, while avoiding losing either the civilian ships or any of their ASW platforms to the PACRIM submarine forces.



DATE/TIME: 01 SEPTEMBER 1985, 10:00:00 ZULU

Cuba has a long history of providing troops to augment the forces of other Communist states. Only recently, however, was Cuba implicated in acts of international terrorism. In the space of a single week, which was proclaimed Siete Dias del Diablo (Seven Days of the Devil) by Castro, more than a dozen acts of terrorism, including bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations aimed at U.S. citizens and interests around the world, were carried out by Cuban-led hit squads. In response, the President of the United States requested from Congress the authority to declare a 100-mile maritime exclusion zone around Cuba. In simultaneous session, both Houses of Congress approved the request in less than an hour. No official response was forthcoming from Moscow, but a SAG centered on the Kirov changed course toward Cuba and has entered the exclusion zone.



DATE/TIME: 01:00:00 ZULU

The war has entered its second month, and the Soviets are exploiting their early gains. Control of Iceland has allowed Soviet surface ships to slip into the North Atlantic to attack convoys of troops and supplies headed for Europe. This scenario will highlight Harpoon II's ability to model theoretical units. The ARAPAHO program was at its peak in the mid-1980s and was discontinued because it was seen as a superfluous system for the needs of the time. However, at a time of global naval warfare, such a system would indeed be very valuable for the U.S. Navy.



DATE/TIME: 15 FEBRUARY 1985, 04:00:00 ZULU

Soviet Backfire and Badger bombers have pummelled the military facilities on Iceland, and the main amphibious assault is about to begin. There are very limited resources available to counter the landing because of tremendous pressures being applied by the Soviets and their allies. There is no hope that the landing can be stopped, only that it can be delayed or crippled. It is DAY 3 of the war, and the Soviets are grabbing territory they can use for negotiating chips.



DATE/TIME: 15 MARCH 1985, 18:00:00 ZULU

At least one PACRIM SAG is loose in the Pacific. Centered on the Kirov-class cruiser Frunze, this powerful group must be eliminated quickly. CINCPAC has ordered the Kitty Hawk battle group to locate and engage the Frunze SAG as soon as possible. No additional air support is available, although runways and refuelling/rearming facilities at Midway remain operational. This will be a race to get to Midway, winner takes all.



DATE/TIME: 22 AUGUST 1985, 06:00:00 ZULU

Warsaw Pact occupation of Denmark and Norway has opened the North Sea to the smaller Warsaw Pact units that normally operated in the Baltic. Each side has occupied and armed several of the oil and gas rigs which dot the North Sea, protecting vital energy sources. Each side raids the other's fields, and a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse ensues among the giant platforms.



DATE/TIME: 13 FEBRUARY 1985, 02:00:00 ZULU

This scenario occurs just as the war starts, with the NATO player trying to reinforce positions along the coast of Norway, and the Soviet player setting off what will become a long war. This scenario shows us the results of pitting a low-end CTOL carrier against a CVHG, and how the planes perform against each other.


LOCATION : California Coastline

DATE/TIME: 14 February 1985, 02:00:00 ZULU

A major component of any successful offensive operation is the element of surprise. To achieve surprise during the Cold War, long term planning and careful execution have to be the order of the day. The sudden outbreak of war has left many Cargo Vessels at sea without protection. Soviet attack submarines deployed just before the commencement of hostilities have positioned themselves perfectly. Lightly armed trawlers are also creating havoc.


LOCATION : Alaskan Territory

DATE/TIME: 6 July 1985, 15:00:00 ZULU

America now finds itself in much the same position as pre World War II Japan, depending heavily on the import of raw materials, mainly oil. Soviet submarine forces have managed to stop, at least in the short term, the supply of crude oil from the Persian Gulf. Every drop of domestic production is now critical to the operation of America's Military and Industrial Complex. Should America's domestic supply be interrupted even for a short time, it could force the Americans to negotiate a Peace Treaty very favourable to the Soviet Union.


LOCATION : Western Pacific

DATE/TIME: 20 April 1985, 13:00:00 ZULU

The Vietnamese government has announced a 200 mile territorial limit off the Coast and has begun seizing the merchantmen in transit between Bangkok and Hong Kong. The Soviet Union immediately announced support for the seizures and has agreed to assist the local Government in enforcing its new boundaries. Most of the seized vessels have been returned to their owners after large "transit fees" have been arranged. The United States and the United Kingdom have vowed to reopen the sea lanes.


LOCATION : North Atlantic

DATE/TIME: 8 December 1985, 05:00:00 Zulu

The war has dragged on into winter, and the loss of the North Sea oil and gas rigs is causing an energy crisis in Europe. The extra mouths to feed are also putting a severe strain on food supplies. NATO is required to force convoys through to keep food on the table and keep the population from freezing. A convoy carrying natural gas, fuel, and food is enroute to Liverpool. Iceland is still held by the Soviets, although constant attacks have somewhat weakened the forces operating from the island.

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Global Conflicts 1 Battleset

As the world's economic topology pushes further into an era of radical changes, once again, the questions of military spending are raised by the newly prosperous governments. For some of the established world military powers, the titanic expenses of maintaining large-scale modern forces are received with decreasing public support. Domestic social and political realities impinge upon the limited resources available to the governments.

However, not every armed force has felt the axe of budget concerns. China has begun to re-tool its military, investing in more modern technologies to bring the People's Republic Navy into the 21st century. The question arises though, namely, where will this evolution lead? Where indeed?

Herein we lay our setting for this BattleSet. In a hypothetical future, territorial disputes and threats to economic security provide the tinder to support the flame sparked in a conflict. Where the diplomats fail, only the commanders can recapture peace.




DATE/TIME: 19 JANUARY 1995, 06:00:00 ZULU

Although the Israeli government and the PLO had signed a Peace Accord in 1993, by late 1994 it was obvious that little had changed. PLO hardliners continued to launch attacks from Lebanon and Southern Syria in an attempt to force Israel to compromise by giving up more land. Israeli counterattacks, especially into Syria, aroused the ire of the Syrian President, which led him to covertly support PLO naval training in conjunction with Syrian naval personnel. PLO personnel trained intensively as "Syrians" for their first real "naval" assault on Israel.

The struggle between Israel and Palestinians is far from over, peace accord or not. Both sides have their radical factions who are not happy with the accords, and are willing to use violence to force change on the Israeli government. Syria has been a long-time backer of the PLO, including the hard-line factions that commit terrorist actions. The backing includes money, training facilities, and equipment for the terrorists to use. For Israel, there is a constant threat of attack from land and sea. Despite increased naval patrol activity, the volume of civilian traffic in the area increases the chance of successful infiltrations by terrorist units.




DATE/TIME: 10 JULY 1994, 02:48:00 ZULU

By the summer of 1994, the Russian government had grown weary of continued negotiations with the Ukrainian government over the final fate of the Black Sea fleet. Since the break-up of the former Soviet Union in 1991, the Ukrainians dragged their feet over the issue of fleet control. At risk was control of over 100 significant combatants, paid for by the former Soviet Union. Because of the split, experienced technicians and spare parts became scarce, forcing the majority of the fleet to remain at pier side, deteriorating from neglect. Several agreements had been reached, but no final settlement or arbitration had ever come about.

The Russians have decided that such a major investment (which could be sold for profit if serviceable) can not be allowed to rust away. A plan has been formulated, operation "Trojan Horse," which will allow the Russian government to reclaim its "lost" property.

A major fleet exercise has been scheduled for November 1994, to be combined with a fleet visit to Sevastopol to "show the flag." Initially the Ukrainians are delighted their Russian naval counterparts were going to visit, perhaps even helping to restore some of the ships. On the 10th of July, 1994, they realize their error, perhaps too late.




DATE/TIME: 20 APRIL 1995, 09:00:00 ZULU

With the collapse of the major world powers' economies in late 1994, the European Economic Community (EEC) was left in a precarious position. As long as the EEC acted together, it would emerge as the new economic powerhouse in the world. There was one problem though -- Great Britain. For years, the British had resisted a total union with Europe because it meant surrendering a large part of their national sovereignty.

In order to protect their unstable economic status, the EEC decreed that the British convert their economic system and fold their currency into the new "European Dollar". The British refused and withdrew from the EEC. The EEC immediately voted to force the British back into the union, by force if necessary. After a series of heated debates and several at-sea incidents, the French and German governments decided on a blockade to force the recalcitrant British back into the EEC. The British, realizing their national sovereignty and heritage were at stake, issued a general call-up and sortied the Royal Navy.

Off the southern coastline of Great Britain, two of the EEC task forces holding the blockade have set up anti-ship patrol regions. The EEC forces currently control the waterways from the Atlantic, thru the Dover Straights, to the southern reaches of the North Sea. To break this part of the blockade, the British have mustered two task forces. Their objective was before them - break the EEC hold on the seas south of Great Britain, securing the waterways for British shipping traffic.




DATE/TIME: 27 NOVEMBER 1994, 17:00:00 ZULU

The economic turmoil in the West, the rise of Japan in the Far East, and the collapse of the former Soviet Union forced the Chinese to accelerate their extensive military modernization program. In addition to the modernizing of the military, a new style of aggressive Chinese leadership began to supplant the "Old Guard". By late 1994, China stood ready to take back "what already belonged to them".

Taiwan had been preparing for the worst since the onset of the collapse of the world market in 1994. They knew that war with mainland China was inevitable and had been preparing for that eventuality since early 1994. Aggressive naval patrolling by the Taiwanese had prevented several attempted infiltrations by the Chinese Special Forces.

The Chinese realized that the straits had to be secured from any Taiwanese Naval units before any invasion fleets could cross. They set out to accomplish that goal on November 27th, 1994.




DATE/TIME: 30 SEPTEMBER 1994, 19:00:00

With the attention of the world focused on economic upheaval, and the inability of the United Nations to deal with conflicts around the globe, some smaller nations decided this was the time to act. Animosities that had lain dormant for decades came to the forefront.

Ecuador and Peru had fought a series of small "wars" over the exact demarcation of their mutual border. At stake was a seemingly unimportant strip of worthless land, that is, until a huge oil bearing rock formation was discovered directly beneath the border. Both nations desperately needed to exploit the oil deposit to bolster their sagging economies.

Although both nations called on the U.N. to mediate their border crisis, a series of small border clashes has erupted into full scale war. Neither side has been able to gain the advantage. In order to break the stalemate, the Peruvian High Command has ordered the Peruvian Navy to close the key port of Guayaquil. This would stop all resupply of Ecuadorean Army units and lead to victory.




DATE/TIME: 17 OCTOBER 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU

In this remake of the now-classic Harpoon scenario, two missile boat squadrons encounter each other in a fast-paced meeting engagement off the rocky Norwegian coastline.

Perhaps more than any other scenario offered in Harpoon, this engagement most dramatically illustrates the fundamental principles of modern naval combat:

1. Because each combatant has enough firepower to sink three opponents, missile combat tends to be sudden and violent.

2. Once events get ahead of you and you're behind 'the curve', you will be condemned to playing catch-up. Get ahead early!

3. Attack effectively first.




DATE/TIME: 19 DECEMBER 1994, 12:00:00 ZULU

With aircraft carriers being sold (as scrap) for $10.00 per ton, the spectre of an all-out NATO vs. Pact war no longer seems so realistic. However, much debate and speculation on the outcome of such a conflict still seems to hold much interest and attention.

To satisfy this historical curiosity, we have crafted just such a scenario for all of the whimsical what-if students, such that they may seek their own answer to this question.

This scenario is balanced only in that the Russian side is given a fairly new complement of equipment along with access to SNA assets based at Keflavik Air Station (assumed to be in Russian hands). The US CVBG is pared down to match early 1990's proposed force-level cuts as well as platform retirements.




DATE/TIME: 6 AUGUST 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU

The war has begun. The North Korean Army, almost a million strong, has swarmed over the DMZ and is rapidly pushing south. The ROK army has inflicted hideous losses on PRK forces, but the overwhelming numbers cannot be stayed. Seoul, expected to fall within hours, has held out instead for three weeks. Inside the shrinking perimeter, the besieged US 2nd Infantry Division fights for its life.

Since Japan is withholding use of its airfields while the Diet decides if they may legally intervene, US air power must fly from Okinawa and cannot make its full strength felt. Now the US Marine Corps has arrived to relieve Seoul... But can they get through in time?




DATE/TIME: 1 OCTOBER 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU

As the world economies became more unstable, the continuing regional conflicts around the globe increased the demand for high quality, low cost weaponry. Russia, as a means of raising capital to fund efforts to end bloody border conflicts with neighbouring republics, decided that some of its naval units could be sold on the world markets. Such opportunities came to the attention of the ruling party in Mozambique. The conflicts between the ANC and existing South African government agencies have endured steadfastly, despite several campaigns to end the bloodshed. By way of aiding their ANC brothers to the south, Mozambique purchased five warships from the Russian government to be used in military efforts to bring about the downfall of the current regime in South Africa. Because the arrival of the ex-Russian units would tip the scale towards the ANC, the South African government decided that their destruction was a critical priority.




DATE/TIME: 15 MAY 1995, 11:00:00 ZULU

On April 1st, 1995, a large force of Argentinean commandos, supported by air strikes and naval gunfire attacked the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands. After 3 days of bitter hand to hand fighting, the Royal Marine garrison was annihilated. Immediately, the Argentineans set forth to fortify the islands against assault. The British, appalled by the blatant use of force, decided to retake their sovereign territory. The U.N. Security Council, while providing no forces to help, gave the British assurances that the British NATO forces could be temporarily withdrawn to be used in the campaign. On May 15th, 1995, the first elements of the British fleet arrived in the war zone. Combat was imminent.




DATE/TIME: 15 MARCH 1995, 18:00:00 ZULU

As the Western economies continued towards collapse, Japan moved forward in its desire to re-assert dominance in the Far East. In order to force the United States to relinquish its forward bases in the Pacific, the Japanese military moved into action. A naval and air blockade was placed around Okinawa Island.

The U.S. government, backed by strong public opinion, decided to respond with a show of military force. The Japanese, knowing they could not stand toe-to-toe with the U.S. Navy, decided the best option would be to operate within range of their land based aircraft. They hoped that preventing the resupply of Okinawa, and, in the course of maintaining the blockade, inflicting significant losses on the U.S. Navy, would cause the U.S. government to reconsider their claims on Okinawa.




DATE/TIME: 20 DECEMBER 1994, 12:00:00 ZULU

During the late '70s and early '80s, a large number of unknown submerged contacts plagued the Swedish navy. Although one Soviet Whiskey class sub was caught, many other intruders escaped. The break-up of the Soviet Union should have lessened the frequency of intruders. However, the unknown contacts continued to stymie the best efforts of the Swedish armed forces.

The Swedish military has decided that an aggressive defense of Swedish territorial waters is the best way to deter future intruders. Orders were issued to all fleet units that the Swedish bases of Karlskrona and Solvesborg were to be protected with a maximum use of force.




DATE/TIME: 12 DECEMBER 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU

In the fall of 1993, the Russian dam burst. The Russian government, beset by a bitter civil war supported by various Western nations, was desperate to find a way to end the conflict. Any hopes of peace went up in a nuclear fireball when the rebels, backed by the West, found a way to launch an SS-25 ICBM at Moscow. It was estimated that over 1 million people perished in the blast and ensuing radiation. The Russian government, blaming Great Britain for the incident, mustered all available naval forces to destroy the British navy and "punish the war loving British people."

Although lacking the resources to invade Britain, the Russian government believed that with the Royal Navy destroyed, they would be able to attack key British cities and then dictate terms to the government. With the European Community and the United States busy with other crises around the globe, the British stood alone. January 1st, 1994, a general mobilization call was issued. War was imminent.

With the current Russian government in shambles and the military in the driver's seat, one could well imagine a return to the "old days." Both Russia and the other Republics have blamed the West for supporting rebel forces within the former Soviet Union. Nuclear weapons control has been a key issue recently, with the Russian government making repeated assurances that none of their over 30,000 nuclear weapons are loose.




DATE/TIME: 31 OCTOBER 1994, 19:00:00 ZULU

For the victorious and the defeated alike, the end of World War II saw the reshaping of national borders around the globe. Just beyond the northern border of today's Japan, off the eastern coast of Kamchatka, lies the island of Sakhalin. Prior to the war, this island marked the northernmost reach of Japan. Today it does not.

Over the past few years, the Japanese and Russian governments have been haggling over the return of Sakhalin Island to Japanese control. Neither side has been willing to compromise on true control of the island. For the Japanese, it is a matter of national pride and economic exploitation. For the Russians, it is a matter of national defense, as the length of the island spans two vital chokepoints and provides a buffer for the naval base at Vladivostok. The last channels of negotiation have been broken off. The government of Japan has issued an ultimatum: leave the island or be thrown off. The Japanese are mobilizing. The Russians are on alert. The world is watching.




DATE/TIME: 20 JANUARY 1995, 08:00:00 ZULU

With the industrialized nations of the world struggling to put their economies back on track after the crash of 1994, most South American countries were on their own economically. Faced with the hard fact that Western aid was no longer available, national well-being hinged on the availability of petroleum products. The Chilean government formed several expeditions to explore the Antarctic region in search of new oil reserves.

The discovery of the "Allende" field, with over 20 billion barrels of recoverable oil, sent shock waves through the South American economic community. The Chileans announced that a final survey, to determine the boundaries of the massive oil field was to be carried out immediately. The Argentineans, through a preliminary survey of their own, found that the field was exclusively in Chilean territory. This situation would lead to Chilean ownership of the region and a crippling blow to the Argentinean plans for regional dominance. The Argentinean High Command decided to stop the Chilean survey before the results were announced.

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Global Conflicts 2 Battleset

The fascination and lure of the What-If has long been a driving force in our imaginations. The musings about how an as yet unrealized situation might be resolved have sparked countless hours of argument and debate. Deep into this rich loam of speculation, we will now plant our designs and postulates to witness what will grow.

The power of the computer to model in simulation what has not occurred in reality is nearly without limit. In these BattleSets, Global Conflicts 2 and Global Conflicts 3, many different What-If scenarios are presented. They span the globe, involve the Naval and Air assets from many countries, and they take place on unique timelines.

Global Conflicts 2 illustrates a variety of larger scale operations that assume some manner of larger war between the NATO and Warsaw PACT countries. This BattleSet favours the multi-carrier confrontations with all of their grand struggles. In Global Conflicts 3, we see the evolution of a series of much smaller, compact engagements. In this BattleSet, the coherent timeline, on such a very short scale, is indicative of rapid reaction and deployment. To each thrust, its counter thrust.



DATE/TIME: 8 DECEMBER 1994, 12:00:00 ZULU


The 2nd week of the war finds the Soviets in control of most of the major population centers in Norway. Surviving elements of the Norwegian Air Force that were able, fled to Iceland or the United Kingdom. Those caught on the ground destroyed their machines.

The Norwegian Navy was also forced to abandon their bases and is now hiding up and down the coast using the many fjords to mask their positions. In many respects, the Soviet's problems are just beginning.



DATE/TIME: 10 JANUARY 1995, 19:15:00 ZULU


The weight of the Soviet forces have done what the Arabs by themselves could not do, break the back of the Israeli Defense Force. Large pockets of resistance still exist at Haifa and Tel Aviv. It is expected that they can hold out for the next 7 to 10 days. Supplies are the key to life.

To make the situation even more tense, Syria has begun mobilizing its air forces in what could prove to be a final blow to Israel.

The United States and NATO have provided Israel with more aircraft as a deterrent for any further attacks by the Soviets. Will it be too little, too late?



DATE/TIME: 6 NOVEMBER 1993, 12:30:00 ZULU


The war is now a few hours old and Soviet submarines pre-positioned prior to the commencement of hostilities are now wreaking havoc in the North Sea. NATO alert ASW forces are responding in force. The Soviets will have to escalate the pace of operations if they expect to maximize the element of surprise.

Most RAF #11 Group interceptors have been committed to the defense of the NATO central front. The next 72 hours are critical.



DATE/TIME: 7 APRIL 1993, 12:00:00 ZULU


Prior to the commencement of hostilities, many academics debated the soundness of U.S. multi-carrier attacks against heavily defended enemy Naval Forces conducting a "Bastion" defense. The debate is over. U.S. strategy has been successful. The aftermath of this large scale Naval engagement has left most of the Soviet Pacific Fleet at the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk. The surviving Surface Forces are making best speed back to Petropavlovsk. U.S. Forces, although suffering some casualties, have maintained cohesion and are now poised to press their advantage.



DATE/TIME: 8 DECEMBER 1993, 08:30:00 ZULU


Satellite photos have picked up 2 Motor Rifle Divisions enroute to the Iranian capital. One from the northwest through the Talis Mountains. The other from the northeast through the Elburz Mountains. The same satellite pass showed a large Iranian concentration of force in the northeast indicating they are aware of the Eastern Soviet Force but appear to be withdrawing forces from the northwest. The U.S. Navy must now force itself on the Iranians to save their western flank.





Growing Soviet Air activity has forced U.S. Naval Forces to withdraw from the Persian Gulf and by default have won the race to Khuzestan. Soviet Air and Ground Forces have arrived in force around Basra and are preparing to continue their drive to the Saudi Oil Fields. U.S. Air Force assets are prepared to support a Carrier Battle Group as it re-enters the Persian Gulf.



DATE/TIME: 21 MARCH 1995, 12:00:00 ZULU


The war is in the 4th week and things in the Pacific have been in a dead heat. Both naval forces have withdrawn from potentially decisive battles that would have been fought at the others advantage. Casualties for both sides have been relatively light considering the carnage underway in other theatres. The Soviets have held the bulk of the Pacific fleet in port at Vladivostok for the last 2 weeks preparing for a counter attack against any amphibious assault force attempting entry into currently held Soviet territory.

Their time has come as the 9th Marine Regiment has landed at Wonsan, North Korea. North Korean Army forces are unable to respond to the incursion and Soviet Quick reaction forces have already been committed. This task falls to the Pacific fleet. U.S. forces have one task, to keep the Soviet surface force bottled up around Vladivostok while the U.S. Marines strike key targets in North Korea.



DATE/TIME: 13 JUNE 1989, 01:00:00 ZULU


The focal point of U.S. Maritime strategy prior to the initiation of hostilities has been a multi-carrier attack on key Soviet shore installations. The one major drawback to this strategy is its lack of surprise. It is very difficult to move something as large as an aircraft carrier for long distances before someone sees it. That is the case here. A Soviet sub transmitted the departure time and initial course of a U.S. Carrier Battle Group via sonobuoy. The Soviet prewar strategy was and is that once a carrier group is sighted, all forces will be focused on its destruction. Herein lies a test of strategies.



DATE/TIME: 6 DECEMBER 1994, 22:00:00 AULU


For many years, the military arm of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) posed a significant threat to Israeli national security. This split the attention of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and kept it too busy to concentrate on any single enemy.

In 1982, the Syrians orchestrated the departure of the PLO from Beirut to allow Syria to establish control over Lebanon. They then began to build an extensive "defense" network.

The IDF, now able to concentrate its assets, proved able to counter every move the Syrians made. Syria has decided that the time has come to divide Israel's defensive efforts once again. The PLO will be returned to Lebanon.



DATE/TIME: 1 JANUARY 1989, 04:30:00 ZULU


The White Separatist government in Pretoria has begun to come apart. Radical elements of the African National Congress have penetrated the South African Security zones in strength and are now seizing key installations throughout the country. An unnamed South African Defence Ministry Official has announced that an installation known as "Lock Up 35" South east of Pretoria contains key elements of the South African Strategic Weapons Program. Publicly, sources are confirming the existence of Chemical and Biological Weapons. Actual estimates include 3-100 kiloton Nuclear Weapons. The facility "Lock up 35" was originally designed by the best South African Engineers to provide absolute security for the countries diamond and gold reserves. Limited by a lack of skilled technicians, it is expected that it will take the ANC 7-10 days to gain physical access to the weapons. U.S. Military and Diplomatic representatives brief their counterparts in the Soviet government in an attempt to solicit support for a joint operation to recover the weapons. As an incentive for Soviet support and participation, the U.S. Government has offered to give 1.2 billion dollars of Soviet debt. The African National Congress on the other hand, the soon to be government of South Africa has offered 5 billion dollars in currency and technical support for key Russian industries once in power, if Soviet Military Forces will provide external security for the sovereignty of South African Territories now and give the ANC the time it needs to consolidate its position internally. Moscow needs currency, not debt reduction if it expects to quell the growing domestic unrest.



DATE/TIME: 12 JUNE 1992, 06:00:00 ZULU


The Saratoga Battle Group has been badly damaged in the last three (3) days, and many lives have been lost. A path has been charted through the mine field entering the Indian Ocean, at the cost of three (3) ships. Soviet air attacks have sunk the CG Belknap, and damaged the Saratoga. The shore defenses at Aden place too much of a threat for the battle group to face. The Soviets have developed a bastion defense around Aden thought to include a CG Slava and several destroyers. For the Saratoga, the way lies south, into harm's way.



DATE/TIME: 20 MARCH 1995, 04:00:00 ZULU


The soviets have been advancing on Tehran rapidly from two directions. The Iranians were aware of the force approaching from the east. Unfortunately for the Iranians, they assumed the western force would continue south to Khuzestan to meet the expected American landing force. They did not. They are now moving rapidly toward Tehran from the west. The last obstacle to be overcome by the Soviets is a series of bridges and mountain passes en route to Tehran.



DATE/TIME: 15 AUGUST 1994, 12:00:00 ZULU


The war for control of the North Atlantic has reached its climax. Constant air strikes by both sides have rendered Iceland incapable of conducting fixed-wing flight operations. A large vacuum of uncontrolled ocean now exists. Both sides have committed major portions of their remaining fleet assets in filling that vacuum. The stakes are high, for the winner of this battle will likely control the economic balance of power for the next 100 years.



DATE/TIME: 8 OCTOBER 1994, 11:30:00 ZULU

OVERVIEW: The 3rd week of the war finds the Soviet offensive very much on track and in some cases ahead of schedule. Both forces are now settling in to a combat tempo each can support. The one question both forces face now is what will the other do with the war in its 3rd week.

The Soviets have moved 2 complete air regiments into 3 bases around Hanoi & Haiphong. Indications are clear that the Soviets are preparing for an offensive.

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Global Conflicts 3 Battleset

The fascination and lure of the What-If has long been a driving force in our imaginations. The musings about how an as yet unrealized situation might be resolved have sparked countless hours of argument and debate. Deep into this rich loam of speculation, we will now plant our designs and postulates to witness what will grow.

The power of the computer to model in simulation what has not occurred in reality is nearly without limit. In these BattleSets, Global Conflicts 2 and Global Conflicts 3, many different What-If scenarios are presented. They span the globe, involve the Naval and Air assets from many countries, and they take place on unique timelines.

Global Conflicts 2 illustrates a variety of larger scale operations that assume some manner of larger war between the NATO and Warsaw PACT countries. This BattleSet favours the multi-carrier confrontations with all of their grand struggles. In Global Conflicts 3, we see the evolution of a series of much smaller, compact engagements. In this BattleSet, the coherent timeline, on such a very short scale, is indicative of rapid reaction and deployment. To each thrust, its counter thrust.



DATE/TIME: 5 JANUARY 1993, 12:00:00 ZULU


The loss of Diego Garcia as a base compounded the aircrew losses that Soviets faced. Although ship damage was light, the wear and tear of operations was reducing effectiveness, and port visits were required. The Indians agreed to allow a 72 hour port visit to Calcutta, after being lulled into a sense of security by the exaggerated claims of the Soviets.

Meanwhile, the U.S. had retired northwestward toward the Arabian Peninsula to replenish and fly on replacement aircraft, a luxury their opponents did not have. With a full flight deck and magazines, the force headed southeast to skirt the Indian air patrols before heading for the Bay of Bengal, where, over 50 years before, Admiral Nagumo had shown the Indians and the British the value of carrier air power. The lesson was about to be taught again.



DATE/TIME: 15 OCTOBER 1994, 17:00:00 ZULU


P-3's from several NATO nations use the Azores as a base to help cover the Mid-Atlantic shipping lanes. Loss of this base would allow transfer of Soviet naval strike aircraft and the closure of the sea lanes from America to Europe.



DATE/TIME: 19 OCTOBER 1994, 04:00:00 ZULU


With war beginning to rage in Europe, shipping through the Panama Canal and the Caribbean Sea has become extremely important in moving units to the battlefield for the United States. Conversely, it is important that the Soviets close the canal and hinder U.S. supplies. Cuba's status remains unknown in the conflict but could be troublesome in the event they act in support of the Soviets.



DATE/TIME: 19 OCTOBER 1994, 12:00:00 ZULU


The hard fought battle in Central Europe continues. The Soviets are gaining ground against NATO and believe that victory is in sight. Soviet forces have begun a campaign against Iceland now in an attempt to take control of the North Atlantic and isolate Europe from western support.



DATE/TIME: 3 NOVEMBER 1994, 04:00:00 ZULU


Pre-war battle lines have been restored in all major areas, except Iceland. For the Soviets, this allows them to hold on to some hope that a negotiated peace can be presented as a great victory to the masses. For the U.S. and her allies, allowing the Soviets to retain Iceland is simply unthinkable from both political and military standpoints.

Both sides knew that before the battlefield would shift to the conference table, one final battle must be resolved.



DATE/TIME: 10 JANUARY 1994, 21:00:00


News of the Soviets attempt to over fly Swedish territory was dispersed to all Swedish commanders quickly, along with casualty reports and plans to extract a pound of flesh for the violations. Swedish naval commanders had noted the Soviets regular supply convoy from St. Petersburg to Kiel and determined that this group of ships would pay the butcher's bill.



DATE/TIME: 8 OCTOBER 1994, 01:15:00 ZULU


In the final hours before the start of the war, a Soviet amphibious group supported by land based air and surface action groups are heading for the Danish coast to seize control of the Sjaelland Islands. Danish and NATO light forces, supported by German air power, attempt to block their path.



DATE/TIME: 22 OCTOBER 1994, 21:15:00 ZULU


Cuba's active participation in the attacks on the Panama Canal and on the radar stations in south Florida provided all the justification needed for removing Castro's government by force of arms. Securing the south-eastern flank of the U.S. would also release additional assets to assist in the planned operation to remove the Soviet occupation of Iceland.



DATE/TIME: 23 OCTOBER 1994, 15:00:00 ZULU


The Alaska's strike mission against the Soviet Pacific bases was an unqualified success. The only thing that remained was to get her and her escort safely under the protective umbrella deployed from United States air bases. The race was on.



DATE/TIME: 14 OCTOBER 1994, 05:30:00


The pre-war harassment of Diego Garcia forced the U.S. to relocate the Maritime Preposition squadron to Oman for safety. Early on the opening day of the war, Indian commandos supported by the Soviet Indian Ocean Squadron quickly overwhelmed the base, and soon it was operating Indian Bear reconnaissance aircraft. The Soviets proceeded to raid shipping along the east coast of Africa while the Indians captured Japan bound supertankers. A U.S. carrier group rounds Cape Good Hope, and the two forces clash NE of Madagascar.



DATE/TIME: 10 AUGUST 1993, 13:00:00 ZULU


In the seven days preceding the outbreak of actual hostilities, most of the U.S. F-15C units were deployed to foreign soil. Air defense of the continental U.S. was turned over to the F-16 ADF units of the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserves.

In Florida, the 125th Fighter Squadron of Jacksonville was moved to Homestead and augmented by the addition of units from Texas' 147th and 924th. Along with the 56th, these groups focused their attention toward watching Cuba.



DATE/TIME: 21 OCTOBER 1994, 08:00:00 ZULU


The movement of the Soviet Pacific Fleet Backfire Regiment to the Indian Ocean was observed by naval planners, and a bold raid on Soviet Pacific bases was proposed and quickly approved.



DATE/TIME: 29 OCTOBER 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU


Once before in this century, a Russian fleet had sailed into the waters between Japan and Korea, intent on reaching Vladivostok. Then, as now, the mightiest ships of the Japanese Navy were deployed to stop them. NEUTRALITY VIOLATED


DATE/TIME: 13 OCTOBER 1994, 19:45:00


A battle-worn British Type 42 destroyer is limping toward England. The commander of Soviet tactical air assets in the area decided that this was just too tempting a target to pass up. The fact that his aircraft would have to cross neutral Sweden to strike the sitting duck didn't bother him at all. In fact, his newly captured airfields in central Finland seemed to fit the bill nicely.



DATE/TIME: 8 OCTOBER 1994, 14:43:30


Hostilities between the United States, her allies, and Russia and her client states broke out almost simultaneously across the world. Warned of possible commando attacks, the commander of the Independence battle group got under way from the port of Yokusuka to take up station north east of the home islands.

Unfortunately, the warning came too late and mines seeded on the bottom of the bay destroyed the carrier's starboard rudder and badly damaged three of the four screws. CV 62 was out of the fight. CinCPac immediately released the carrier's air wing for use in the defense of Japan.

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Regional Conflicts 1 Battleset

As the world's economic topology pushes further into an era of radical changes, once again, the questions of military spending are raised by the newly prosperous governments. For some of the established world military powers, the titanic expenses of maintaining large-scale modern forces are received with decreasing public support. Domestic social and political realities impinge upon the limited resources available to the governments.

However, not every armed force has felt the axe of budget concerns. China has begun to re-tool its military, investing in more modern technologies to bring the People's Republic Navy into the 21st century. The question arises though, namely, where will this evolution lead? Where indeed?

Herein we lay our setting for this BattleSet. In a hypothetical future, territorial disputes and threats to economic security provide the tinder to support the flame sparked in a conflict. Where the diplomats fail, only the commanders can recapture peace.



DATE/TIME: 1 OCTOBER 1999, 12:00:00

The events of the last few days have now become clear. The North Korean mobilization was in reality a ploy designed by the Chinese to draw U.S. naval forces into the Yellow Sea, far away from their intended area of operation, Malaysia, and control of the Malacca Strait. Chinese ground forces have landed in force at Kuantan and are now meeting little resistance as they move inland towards the Capital.

To sustain the landing forces, the Chinese navy is moving enormous amounts of men and material from the mainland to the beachhead. If the Chinese operation has any weakness, it is the supply line across the South China Sea.

The United States, facing much the same situation in the Persian Gulf, has had to slow the pace of operations in the Yellow Sea as critical men and material sit aboard ships in Guam awaiting escort. Reopening the Pacific supply route has now become a strategic imperative with implications far outside the theatre.



DATE/TIME: 19 OCTOBER 1999, 12:00:00

"The best made plans."

This surely could be used to describe the planning involved in the Chinese invasion of Malaysia. But even the most detailed operation suffers from time to time by the unexpected.

U.S. Forces were thought to be planning an attack against the Malaysian beachhead to cover the passage of a large convoy through the Strait of Malacca. The attack on the beachhead occurred as predicted but the passage never materialized. The convoy, with complete disregard to the Thai Exclusion Zone, sped north into the Gulf of Thailand and temporary safety.



DATE/TIME: 24 SEPTEMBER 1999, 00:00:00

The mobilization in North Korea now appears to have been an exercise. China has responded to what it represents as clearly aggressive acts by the United States. South Korea, in a surprise move, agreed with Beijing that America was clearly the aggressor. In a total repudiation of American actions, Seoul has frozen all American assets in South Korea and will no longer permit the generation of combat operations from South Korean territory. U.S. naval forces operating around South Korea are now without local air cover.

In what China calls a U.S. backed reprisal, the Malaysian government has begun rounding up Chinese dissidents and cutting off their communications with the homeland. Beijing has vowed to protect Chinese citizens, no matter where they live. No independent confirmation of the Malaysian activity has been available.



DATE/TIME: 29 MARCH 1999, 20:00:00

Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing have been on the rise for months. As both countries continue to expand their economies the need for ever more scarce resources has become acute. The latest issue, fishing rights and tariffs have inflamed tensions to the breaking point.

In Beijing most of the Old Guard has passed from power. A new regime, eager to establish China as a superpower in the 21st century, is ready to prove to the world that China is a force to be reckoned with. In keeping with the perceived need to protect its coastal fisheries, the government has imposed a 250 mile territorial fishing zone. All commercial fishing boats must have a permit or face confiscation and imprisonment.

Tokyo has also sought to secure access to the vital resources that drive the home economy. The Prime Minister has openly declared that the Japanese fishing fleet will not purchase permits to fish in the Yellow Sea and would consider any attempt to seize Japanese registered vessels an act of piracy.



DATE/TIME: 9 JULY 1999, 02:00:00

As the first few days were decisively British, the last two have clearly been Chinese. More than 1000 civilians were lost during the first evacuation attempt. Many made the trip safely, but the headline was very disturbing.

Parliament has ordered the total defense of Hong Kong. The Chinese leadership, having recovered from the opening setbacks, and sensing a political vulnerability, has once again begun the build-up towards an attack on Hong Kong.



DATE/TIME: 13 APRIL 1999, 12:00:00

The Japanese Navy conducted what surely will be known as a modern day Kamikaze attack. Three large Japanese surface groups, heavily supported by elements of the air force, made a high speed approach and attack on the Chinese carrier group. The combination of submarine, aircraft and shore based missile attack proved to be too much and the attack had to be aborted.

Japanese casualties were very high. The Chinese carrier group is now fully fuelled and ready to begin strike operations. With a large part of the Japanese fleet now at the bottom of the Yellow Sea, there is little between the group and the Japanese coast. For the Japanese Navy, they once again must mount a defense of the home islands against an advancing carrier force. This though is not 1945 and the Chinese are not the Americans.



DATE/TIME: 4 APRIL 1999, 17:00:00

The attack at Tianjin completely surprised the Chinese. The detail in which the operation was conducted clearly represents months of planning and practice. Yet the primary targets of the raid, the aircraft carriers, escaped with no damage.

The Chinese, considerably ahead of their schedule, find themselves in a naval engagement with a long time adversary that, for the time, is superior in force, better equipped, and better trained.



DATE/TIME: 5 JULY 1999, 22:00:00 ZULU

Like a pendulum, the war between the British and The People's Republic of China has once again swung back to the Chinese. Tactically, the Chinese have the initiative and superior localized force. But as so often is the case, events beyond the battlefield may tell the ultimate tale.

The Americans have made it clear that the attack on Okinawa was an attack on U.S. sovereignty and that no future attacks will be tolerated. For China time is now of the essence. The garrison defending Hong Kong must be eliminated and the Royal Navy destroyed once and for all. The British press is now calling the events of the last few days a "royal waterloo". Many speculate the withdrawal from Hong Kong to be the most embarrassing setback the British military has ever suffered. Many now speculate that the British position in Hong Kong is unsustainable and will fall under the weight of a full scale Chinese attack.



DATE/TIME: 20 SEPTEMBER 1999, 20:00:00

The United States is now fully committed in the Persian Gulf and their logistical apparatus appears to be strained to the maximum. The United States has long expected that during a crisis in the Middle East, North Korea would conduct an invasion of South Korea.

As a precaution, the U.S. has always increased surveillance of the Korean peninsula during times of tension. Routine operations today would send shock waves up the American chain of command.



DATE/TIME: 1 APRIL 1999, 23:00:00

The initial phase of the Japanese operation has been very successful. Chinese casualties were heavier than expected though the first line patrol assets thought to be on station in the Yellow Sea were not sighted. World reaction has been particularly positive for the Japanese.

Most western media outlets have concluded that China has been the aggressor. Phase two of the operation is now at hand and once again the Japanese Navy must attack an enemy navy in its home port.



DATE/TIME: 13 OCTOBER 1999, 20:00:00

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times. For China, the invasion in Malaysia is almost complete and the first engagement with the Americans was successful. A U.S. troop convoy, heavily escorted, was turned back by a determined air attack and the sinking of two American submarines has been confirmed.

For the United States, the situation grows ever more grave. Forces operating in the desert are consuming supplies at an incredible rate. The Iranians have launched continuous human wave attacks for several days and can be expected to continue for several more. The concern now is a new Chinese threat staging in Pakistan. If the U.S. beachhead is to survive, men and material now in Guam must reach that critical point in the Iranian desert before it's too late. China it seems, must be dealt with now.



DATE/TIME: 10 APRIL 1999, 11:00:00

The shift in momentum was almost as palpable in Tokyo as it was in Beijing. The arrival of supplies and the initiation of UNREP Operations by the Chinese carrier force has drastically changed the balance of power in the Yellow Sea.

Faced with this new threat, Japanese surface forces, even with their technological edge, would once again have to shift to coastal patrol operations, and any hope of resource security would be lost. The Chinese carriers will be operational in 48 hours. If they are to be destroyed, now is the time.



DATE/TIME: 5 JULY 1999, 04:00:00 ZULU

The Chinese military establishment was shocked by the results of their opening operation. Casualties were very heavy and the loss of equipment in the staging areas caused the cancellation of the ground operation. The British have established a far more effective air defense network than had been expected and they still retain air superiority over Hong Kong. Hong Kong International Airport is still operational and the flow of material and men continues around the clock.



DATE/TIME: 15 JULY 1999, 12:00:00 ZULU

The British landing at Xiamen clearly surprised the Chinese. The loss of their amphibious force and the disruption of the flow of supplies through Xiamen have once again delayed the start of the ground offensive against Hong Kong and shifted the momentum of the battle back in favour of the British. These gains however did not come without a price. In order to support the landing, Britain was forced to commit their only reserve force, the carriers.

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Regional Conflicts 2 Battleset

With the end of the cold war, many nations turn in new directions.

Increased nationalism and the revival of old antagonisms create a dangerous combination.

The Western Pacific is bordered by a wide variety of countries with different languages, cultures, economies and agendas. Many of these countries are old antagonists with histories of competition and warfare.

This battleset focuses on potential hot spots in the Western Pacific region.



21 NOVEMEBER 1996, 1525 HRS ZULU


In early 1996, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) began to see fast, military type craft escorting cargo vessels known to be bringing drugs into the country. After numerous gunfire exchanges between Coast Guard (USCG) cutters and these ships, the Department of Defense was consulted. Pictures taken by the USCG showed Nanuchka and Osa class missile boats in the hands of the Cartel. With a Presidential election looming, the National Command Authority (NCA) is hesitant to commit US Forces. Therefore a decision is made to purchase Pael Ku-56 class missile boats from South Korea and allow the DEA to use them in their operations.

After the Presidential election, the Russians, attempting to rattle their sabres after getting snubbed in Bosnia, have announced a naval exercise (NAVEX) with Cuba. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has also learned that the Russians, in an attempt to replace lost Western aid, have chosen to sell older ships of their fleet to the highest bidder. Contacts within the Russian Navy confirm that the Cartel purchased larger surface combatants in an effort to counter the DEA missile boats.

Shortly after the start of the NAVEX, satellite data showed large numbers of ships and aircraft moving in and around known drug bases. It is believed that the Cartel will use the increased military traffic to hide a major operation of their own. The CIA also believes that the Cartel has bought sensor data from the deployed Cuban assets, but since this can't be confirmed, the NCA has chosen to treat the Cubans as neutrals. Finally, individuals within the Venezuelan Navy, motivated by greed, have offered their services in support of the Cartel. Since this is admitted to by the Venezuelan Government, the NCA has determined that any Venezuelan ship or aircraft is to be treated as hostile.


DATE/TIME: 5 APRIL 1999, 20:00:00

The Iranians have threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to scare their enemies into a cease fire. Only the United States has stepped forward in a show of force to make it clear to Iran that the strait will remain open. The U.S. forces were not ready for the ferocity of the Iranian attack they suddenly faced. Now the U.S. must pull its forces from the area.


DATE/TIME: 31 MARCH 1999, 04:00:00

The only nation in the Persian Gulf region smaller than Kuwait is Bahrain. The Bahraini's acquitted themselves well, and Iran either feels it can punish this effrontery with little risk, or that it cannot fail to do otherwise. Strangely enough, while the nations neighbouring Bahrain have stood together against Iran's newest aggressions, the United States has failed to even speak out in support of Bahrain or the other allied nations. Because of this, Iran seems to be gaining more confidence in its actions against other nations in the area.


DATE/TIME: 11 MARCH 1999, 20:00:00

The Iranian attack on the Omani amphibious forces at Dubai failed. This embarrassing defeat is not expected to end Iran's hostile feelings toward Oman. Iran is expected to mount a larger strike in an attempt to save face. Oman is preparing its forces to meet any hostilities. The other nations of the Persian Gulf are stepping up patrols of the strait in an attempt to head off any further aggression.


DATE/TIME: 18 APRIL 1999, 16:00:00

The U.S. carrier group has taken some losses but has punched through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. While the Iranians have taken severe losses to their naval forces, they are still far from beaten. The United States now attempts to make another strong push into the Persian Gulf and remove Iran's threat to the region.

Don't Cry for Me, Argentina -- Part I
The Falklands War
by Paul Hager (hagerp@cs.indiana.edu)
[Unlimited Air Ordnance Version]


On April 2, 1982, Argentine forces invaded and captured the Falkland Islands -- a British colony since 1833. This was the culmination of a long-simmering dispute between Britain and Argentina over possession of the islands, known to the Argentines as Las Malvinas.

The British have responded by assembling an invasion force -- the largest since the 1944 Normandy Invasion -- in order to recapture the islands. This force, designated TF 317, is comprised of troop transports for the Royal Marines, Commando and Infantry units, and their attendant supplies. The spearhead of TF 317 is TG 317.8 -- the carrier task group. It consists of two small helicopter carriers, one of which (the Hermes) is earmarked for sale to India.

This scenario begins with the British declaration of a 200 mile Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) around the Falkland Islands.


DATE/TIME: 3 MARCH 1999, 00:00:00

Over the past several years, Iran has taken strides to increase its military size. As part of their larger overall build-up, Iran has continued to fortify and arm the islands on the Iranian side of the Strait of Hormuz. In addition, there has been a marked increase in patrol activity by Iranian naval assets. The threat to free navigation of the Straits of Hormuz is quite clear. Iran has already conducted one campaign to hinder the free movement of ships in the Arabian Gulf, and the current steps would clearly make a new campaign with similar ends much easier for Iran.

The Western Powers and all of the Gulf States, have been watching the situation very closely and with growing concern.

FLEET-EX 95-3.2




Prior to every Battle Group deployment the units go to sea and practice BG manoeuvres and battle planning. Every warfare area is exercised and tested. No one from the ships' Commanding Officer to the Food Service Attendant (crank) washing pots and pans in the deep sink wants to be known as the loser in a fleet exercise. All action is simulated with the use of on-board computers and impartial referees. "Damaged" ships drill their DC (damage control) parties to "save" the ship and if possible get back into the fight.


DATE/TIME: 16 APRIL 1999, 15:00:00

Iran has seized control of the Strait of Hormuz and all opposition to them in the area has been eliminated. Now only the U.S. carrier group headed into the Gulf of Oman has a chance to stop the Iranians. Iran has had two days to prepare for the carrier groups arrival and cannot be underestimated.



LOCATION: The Grand Banks off Canada
DATE/TIME: 15 November 1995 21:00 Zulu

The war in Europe rages. The Russian army has inflicted severe casualties on the NATO forces. Unexpected command and control problems on the NATO side have left them fighting piece-meal battles against a numerically superior Russian force. With the main battle confined to the European continent, there are only isolated skirmishes on the high seas. The Americans and Canadians are feeling relatively secure so far across the sea.

But the renegade Russian parliament is planning to bring the war onto North American soil. An invasion is something North America has not seen in the 20th century. This would definitely escalate the conflict in the minds of the American and Canadian people.

And so the scene opens off the Atlantic coast of Canada, near the capital of the province of Newfoundland. A surprise attack was what the Russians were expecting to conduct, but Western intelligence has intercepted information regarding the Russian plans. US and British ships have joined the Canadian navy to repel the Russian Expeditionary Force. The Russians have in mind to begin their North American invasion with a small force - to test the water, so to speak. As the Russian Expeditionary Force steams toward the Newfoundland coast, the NATO forces ready themselves for a surface as well as sub-surface engagement. The battle is about to begin!



DATE/TIME: 1 JANUARY 1994, 12:07:42 ZULU

Nigerian expansionist moves have alarmed the neighbouring francophone nations, resulting in an appeal to the former colonial power for help. French forces were conducting an exercise with Senegal, so they were dispatched to create a presence offshore. Unfortunately, Nigeria didn't plan to just sit by and get pushed around...


DATE/TIME: 11 APRIL 1999, 01:00:00

The hostilities have ended and it's time for things to return to normal. Iran is preparing to discuss reparations with the United States, or so they say. The other nations around the Persian Gulf are watching, waiting, and hoping Iran is serious.


DATE/TIME: 15 MARCH 1999, 12:00:00

With the hostilities slowly diminishing, many countries are looking forward to peace returning to the Persian Gulf region. While all Iranian surface and air forces have been ordered to stand down, a few countries including Oman and Saudi Arabia are concerned about the absence of the Iranian Kilo submarines from their base at Bandar Abbas. The submarines were last reported heading into the Gulf of Oman and could threaten shipping entering and leaving the Strait of Hormuz.


DATE/TIME: 6 MARCH 1999, 01:00:00

Things have been quiet since the incident in the Strait of Hormuz on March 3rd. Protests and accusations were exchanged via the usual diplomatic channels. The Iranian Government, not only refused to admit fault in destroying the Omani vessels without searching them, but also accused the Omani government of covertly supporting smuggling. The Omani Ambassador has been recalled from Tehran for consultations with his government, but things have otherwise settled down. Oman has taken no demonstrably provocative actions, and all appears calm.


DATE/TIME: 13 APRIL 1999, 06:00:00

The Persian Gulf nations and the United States believed Iran was sincere in its request for peace. They were completely taken by surprise when Iran launched attacks on Kuwait and then the UAE. The U.S. has sent a large carrier group towards the gulf but it will not arrive for a couple of days. The nations around the gulf must hold off the Iranians alone until help arrives.


DATE/TIME: 2 APRIL 1999, 12:00:00

With the continued fighting in the Persian Gulf, the United States has endeavoured to remain as neutral as possible in the conflict. Now the U.S. is being forced into action. In a successful attempt to force a cease fire, the Iranians have threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. has remained neutral for too long and now it must face down the Iranian threat alone.



DATE/TIME: 22 MAY 1998, 04:00:00

Made in the 1860's the purchase of the Alaska territory was ridiculed as Seward's Folly. Now that the value of the purchase has been realized everyone agrees that it was the deal of the century. The problem now is that the former title holder is having second thoughts. The Russians have attempted to link the return of the Kurile Islands to Japan with the return of Alaska to Russia. Remarkably the Japanese have been very receptive to the deal and very cool to the American stance that the Alaska issue is absolutely non-negotiable. The United States describes the request for the return of Alaska as laughable and won't even discuss it. The Russians seemed to have dropped the issue. Today, however, under the guise of a minor naval exercise, the Russians have launched an invasion right from their bases without any preparation or warning. The Americans scramble to respond.

By James N. Scott (Final version 8/31/95)


DATE/TIME: 20 MARCH 1999, 02:00:00

The hostilities in the strait have ended with both sides doing damage to the other. Iran has protested the involvement of Saudi Arabia and other nations in its dispute with Oman. It is not expected that Iran will follow through with its threats and shipping patrols have returned to normal for all of the gulf nations.



DATE/TIME: 12 DECEMBER 1997 02:00:00 ZULU

On 1 July 1997 the Chinese regained possession of Hong Kong. With this important territory reincorporated, China set her sights on regaining another disputed territory, the Spratley Islands. These Islands potentially contain large oil reserves and sit adjacent to vital sea lanes.

On 8 August 1997 the Chinese sent numerous task forces into the Spratley Islands and seized the disputed island chain. As expected, Western sanctions came swiftly after forceful occupation of the Spratley Islands. Chinese leaders knew economic sanctions would come, but had underestimated their disastrous effect on the Chinese economy.

Unwilling to directly confront the US militarily, but wishing to bring the west to the bargaining table under Beijing's conditions, the Chinese have declared the South China Sea closed to the Japanese. With the vital shipping lanes closed by the Chinese Navy, the flow of oil to Japan will be impeded. Until the sea lanes are opened or a settlement is reached, Japan's economy will also suffer. The newly elected ultra-nationalistic Japanese Diet has decided to break the Chinese blockade, and not only reopen the South China Sea to Japanese commerce, but also to establish Japan as the dominant regional power.


DATE/TIME: 8 APRIL 1999, 00:00:00

In a surprise move the Iranian government has requested an end to the hostilities occurring in the Persian Gulf area. They have ordered their military to stand down even though they appeared to have forced the United States to retreat. Iran has since released a statement explaining that the firing on U.S. forces was a mistake brought about from a miscommunication and have agreed to pay whatever reparations the United States deemed necessary.


DATE/TIME: 11 APRIL 1999, 20:00:00

The hostilities have ended and it's time for things to return to normal. Iran is preparing to discuss reparations with the United States, or so they say. The other nations around the Persian Gulf area are watching, waiting, and hoping that Iran is serious.


DATE/TIME: 8 MARCH 1999, 23:45:00

The Omani air raid on Iranian coastal sites was successful beyond the expectations of its planners and the amphibious force waiting at Dubai was not needed. So far Iran has made no move in response to the devastating surprise attack. Some authorities have even dared to say that Iranians are going call it even this time.

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WestPac Battleset

With the end of the cold war, many nations turn in new directions. Increased nationalism and the revival of old antagonisms create a dangerous combination. The Western Pacific is bordered by a wide variety of countries with different languages, cultures, economies and agendas. Many of these countries are old antagonists with histories of competition and warfare.

This battleset focuses on potential hot spots in the Western Pacific region.



DATE/TIME: 5 NOVEMBER 1994, 08:45:00 ZULU

The Indonesian government has been overthrown by the military. The new military government has attempted to close down the Strait of Malacca and harass the shipping of other countries. In response, many regional nations have decided to send forces into the area. Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia are attempting to settle matters with Indonesia before "foreign powers" assert their dominance.



DATE/TIME: 5 NOVEMBER 1994, 09:45:00 ZULU

The Indonesian government has been overthrown by the military. The new military government has attempted to close down the Strait of Malacca by harassing the shipping of other countries. In response, many regional nations have responded to the situation. Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia are attempting to settle matters with Indonesia before "foreign powers" assert their dominance.



DATE/TIME: 31 DECEMBER 1994, 10:00:00 ZULU

As the most radical proponents of military totalitarian Russian expansionism gain more political power, Russia's borders with European and Asian countries become areas of vastly increased tension. In response, the US has undertaken to eliminate all Russian naval capabilities from the Pacific Ocean. In line with these objectives, Operation Big Bash has been devised to destroy the strategically significant Russian naval and air facilities at Vladivostok. US naval units have soundly defeated the Russian forces in the Sea of Okhotsk.

Now the US forces are closing on Vladivostok. The Tiger is awakened, and the Bear is angered. The battle is afoot!



DATE/TIME: 1 DECEMBER 1994, 02:00:00 ZULU

As economic pressures increase in the countries of the old Soviet Union, the wealth and prosperity of other countries may aggravate existing tensions. Russia and Japan have been disputing the ownership of the islands north of Japan since World War II.

In an effort to force Japan to back down from its claim, the Russians have decided to strike at Japan's economic umbilical cord: the Strait of Malacca. All of the oil that Japan's hungry economy consumes flows through the narrow Strait. The strait lies between the countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. If the Russians could completely block this passage, Japan could be starved into giving up its claim.

This scenario postulates a Russian blockade of the strait and a possible Japanese military response. In an effort to surprise the enemy, a Russian Indian Ocean task force has been tasked with blocking the channel.



DATE/TIME: 1 JANUARY 1995, 18:00:00 ZULU

By the end of 1994, the world had witnessed two significant military events. First, there was the Chinese attack on Taiwan. The invasion, although fiercely contested by the Taiwanese Naval and Air Forces, was successful. Second, and perhaps as potentially threatening to the balance of naval power in the Western Pacific as the fall of Taiwan, there was the Chinese purchase of the Russian vessels Admiral Flota Sovetskoga Soyuza Kuznetsov, and Admiral Ushakov.

In response to the shifting of power in the Western Pacific, and by way of extending aid to Taiwan, a valuable economic ally to the United States, the U.S. government decided to send a carrier group, centered on the Nimitz, to reclaim the Taiwan Strait. Only after the strait is reclaimed can US ground forces embark for Taiwan.



DATE/TIME: 13 DECEMBER 1994, 3:00:00 ZULU

As the grand facade of global borders changes in the light of new reformations, so too are changes being wrought on many smaller scale national boundaries. Plans for change and the conflicts bringing about this change are not limited to the high profile scenarios unfolding in Russia and the Middle East.

Thailand, seeing the large island on the extreme southern edge of their territorial waters as an attractive opportunity for expansion, decided to invade and expand their borders in the process. The Lang Kawi International Airport offered a valuable potential for increased air traffic with countries to the south. Thailand's claims to rights regarding shipping traffic and fishing in the area would be greatly enhanced. There was just one problem... Malaysia.

For whatever reasons that Thailand may wish to acquire the island, the same could be said of Malaysia by way of explaining why they may want to keep it.

Bypassing the possible channels of negotiation and commerce, the Thai government decides to use a surprise lightning attack to take the island. The Thai forces count on the fact that retaking the island would be very costly. Here, in this battle, the future of the Thailand-Malaysia border will be decided. The time is now.



DATE/TIME: 10 DECEMBER 1994, 13:30:00 ZULU

In an attempt to validate their claims on the Spratley Islands, Vietnam has sent a small task force to conduct manoeuvres in the area. The Philippines, perhaps as an attempt to draw attention from their domestic problems, have decided to contest. These decisions set the stage for a World War II style engagement; unsurprising considering the origin of these two navies' major vessels.


DATE/TIME: 17 OCTOBER 1994, 09:22:00

As the war on the Korean Peninsula rages, small violent naval engagements erupt along the coast. North Korean sabotage and assassination teams are landed by infiltration groups along the coastline. South Korean patrol boats struggle to stem the flood.



DATE/TIME: 18 SEPTEMBER 1994, 17:20:00

The western pacific is dotted with many small insignificant islands; however, if a country can successfully lay claim to an island, that country can place a 200 mile economic exclusion zone around the island. All resources in that region can only be exploited by the controlling nation.

This scenario pits the Vietnamese against China in a skirmish over the Paracel islands. Vietnamese and Chinese governments both lay claim to these islands. Chinese and Vietnamese warships will settle the claim.



DATE/TIME: 25 DECEMBER 1994, 06:00:00 ZULU

Eavesdropping on another country's communications has been a standard method of "spying" in this century. This scenario postulates a tap on a Russian fibre optic cable running along the sea floor of the Sea of Okhotsk. This tap records data flowing through the line for later retrieval.

It's time to retrieve the data.



DATE/TIME: 13 NOVEMBER 1994, 12:52:05 ZULU

The evolution of worldwide economic distress has had a destabilizing effect on the worldwide political theatre. Militant factions of smaller countries have been able to win the support of the masses in many countries, and, for some, the support comes from the armed forces.

Such a swing of power towards the military elements has occurred in Indonesia. With limited resources, at least when compared to the possible combined forces that could be brought to bear by a multinational force, the militant faction leaders have decided to wage a slower, more terroristic war in the Strait of Malacca. The quick strike-and-retreat attacks on random shipping moving though the Strait is seen as the best tactic to offer the world proof that the new Indonesian government can back up its claims to being a new major player in international affairs.

Tension in the area has risen by several degrees over the past month. Defensive forces in the area have been told to stifle any attempted attacks on national shipping by Indonesian warships. Malaysia in particular has increased its diligence in patrolling their territorial and surrounding waters. The Strait is however, long and rimmed by many island bolt-holes for marauding ships to hide in. The success of the Indonesian efforts lies in their ability to strike-and-retreat, causing more damage to passing shipping than any defensive forces may inflict in return. For Malaysia, it's a matter of seek and destroy. For the world, it's a matter of wait and watch.



DATE/TIME: 14 OCTOBER 1994, 03:15:00 ZULU

After the breakdown of talks between North and South Korea over the subject of nuclear plants, tension increased along the border. As tensions built, diplomats attempted to defuse the situation.

On October 13, all negotiations were broken off. As night fell, the South Koreans feared what the new day would bring.



DATE/TIME: 14 OCTOBER 1994, 03:45:00

With North Korean ground units storming south across the border, the second Korean War is officially underway. Landings of North Korean troops along the east coast have created a difficult situation.

As South Korean naval units rush to protect their west coast, North Korea launches its naval strike.



DATE/TIME: 9 AUGUST 1994, 20:20:00

With the breakdown of talks between the United States and North Korea over nuclear re-processing, the United States re-introduced a request to the United Nations for economic sanctions against North Korea. Heated diplomatic debates resulted in a Chinese veto of the proposed sanctions in the UN Security Council.

As a result of this set-back, the United States has unilaterally invoked a blockade of North Korea. Angry protests from the Chinese government have resulted in a tense situation...



DATE/TIME: 9 NOVEMBER 1994, 05:00:00 ZULU

As the rapidly expanding second Korean War continues. US forces rush to the aid of an overwhelmed South Korean Navy. While losses on both sides have been heavy, North Korean submarines have exacted a heavy toll on the South Korean Navy.

To make the situation even more complex, Chinese naval units have begun to act more aggressively. The Yellow Sea is clearly under the control of the North Koreans and Chinese.

In an effort to gain control of the situation, the US sends in the Independence Carrier Battle Group. Using its powerful air wing, the Independence is to send a powerful message to the North Koreans and the Chinese. In addition, the US forces will be clearing the way for additional US ground troops.

A lack of a clear command structure has made the situation unclear. All sides in this battle will struggle to gain a clear picture of the situation.

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Tutorial Battleset

Welcome to the Harpoon II Tutorial. The tutorial text can be viewed two ways: either from the printed Harpoon II Operating Instructions, or by selecting "Tutorial" from the PC pull-down menu while actually running a tutorial lesson scenario. To start a tutorial lesson, select the desired lesson by clicking on the lesson name in the found in Scenario List above. A description will appear here in the text box you are now reading. When you have read the lesson description, press the OK button. The Side Selection dialog box will appear. In all of the tutorial lessons choose "Good Guys" as your side. Don't change the difficulty settings for the tutorial scenarios unless the description or documentation says to do so. It is a good idea to review the text for a lesson before actually loading the lesson scenario.

Lesson I: Orientation

This purpose of this first tutorial lesson is to provide the user with an orientation of the Harpoon II interface. It is important that the user follow the written tutorial instructions that are available in the text manual starting on page 17, or from the Tutorial selection found under the "PC" pull-down menu. Upon completion of the first lesson, the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Loading a scenario.
2. Choosing Sides.
3. Setting Difficulty Level.
4. Viewing Orders.
5. The Main Window.
6. Maximizing and Minimizing Windows.
7. Moving Icons.
8. Re-sizing Windows.
9. Moving Windows.
10. Using Map Preferences.
11. Creating Zoom Windows.
12. Centering the screen.
13. Zoom In & Zoom Out.
14. Creating Tracking Windows.
15. Using the Game Status Window.
16. Using the Unit Status Window.
17. Viewing Reports.
18. Viewing the Platform Database.
19. Viewing the Order of Battle.
20. Viewing the System Memory Window.
21. Viewing the Incoming Messages Window.
22. Using Range and Bearing Information.
23. Viewing Scenario Information.
24. Viewing the Legends.
25. Choosing a Symbol Set.

Lesson II: Course and Speed

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the procedures used to plot courses and set speed, altitude, and depth.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:
1. Displaying Data Blocks.
2. Drawing and Plotting a Course.
3. Moving, inserting, and deleting Waypoints.
4. Editing Courses.
5. Using the Navigator.
6. Setting Speed.
7. Setting Waypoint orders.
8. Creating, editing, and deleting a Nav Zone.
9. Navigation around and through Nav Zones.

Lesson III: Using Sensors

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the use of both passive and active sensors. This lesson will provide the user with several types of contacts: air, sub, and surface.

Since this lesson requires transit between points for the ship under the user's command, it will be necessary for the user to use the time compression feature. Consult the Harpoon II Command Card for the appropriate hot keys used to control time compression. When running this lesson you should increase time compression between contacts to no more than 1 minute of compression. Be prepared to resume 1:1 second time compression when you get a contact.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Electronic Support Measures (ESM) contacts.
2. Identification of emissions.
3. Use of active air search radar.
4. Visual identification of contacts.
5. Use of passive and active sonar.
6. Working a sonar contact.
7. Use of surface search radar.
8. Indication of Electronic Counter-Measures.

The user is encouraged to run this lesson scenario several times using different difficulty settings to become familiar with the effects of the various detection levels.

Lesson IV: Using Weapons

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the use of ship-based weapons. This lesson will provide the user with both air and surface contacts.

Since this lesson requires transit between points for the ship under the user's command, it will be necessary for the user to use the time compression feature. Consult the Harpoon II Command Card for the appropriate hot keys used to control time compression. When running this lesson you should increase time compression between contacts to no more than 1 minute of compression. Be prepared to resume 1 second level upon making a contact. If you run this tutorial lesson at a high time compression rate, you will not be able to properly respond to the contacts.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Ship-based air defense; automatic and manual Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs).
2. Allocation of weapons.
3. Use of Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs).
4. Use of Surface-to-Surface Missiles (SSMs).
5. Bearing Only Attacks (BOA).
6. Use of Naval Gun Fire (NFG).
7. Save Game feature.

The user is encouraged to run this lesson scenario several times using different difficulty settings to become familiar with the effects of the various detection levels. It is strongly recommended that the user become familiar with the Save Game feature before running this lesson (They shoot back in this lesson!).

Lesson V: Submarine Operations

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with submarine operations. While navigation and weapons procedures are similar to those used by surface ships, submarines operate in a three-dimensional environment using stealth. Passive sonar is the preferred means of detection for submarine Captains.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Using passive sonar to detect surface and sub-surface contacts.
2. Working passive contacts by altering speed, depth, and aspect.
3. Using submarine-launched torpedoes.
4. Using submarine-launched missiles.

Lesson VI: Air Operations

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with air operations. The Air Ops toolbar button is used for a variety functions, most of which will be demonstrated in this tutorial lesson.

Upon completion of this tutorial lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Launching aircraft.
2. Airborne Early Warning.
3. Readying aircraft.
4. Attacking ship targets with aircraft.
5. Attacking ground targets with aircraft.
6. Air-to-air engagements.
7. Airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare.
8. Aerial refuelling.
9. Landing aircraft.

Lesson VII: Using the Mission Editor

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the use of the Mission Editor.

Upon completion of this tutorial lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Using Reference Points for missions.
2. Creating and editing a mission.
3. Creating a Patrol Mission.
4. Creating a Strike Mission.
5. Creating a Reconnaissance Mission.
6. Assigning aircraft to a mission.
7. Assigning ships and subs to a mission.
8. Using the mission time delay feature.

Lesson VIII: Formation Editor

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the use of the Formation Editor. This lesson will provide the user with both air and submerged contacts.

Since this lesson requires transit between points for the ship under the user's command, it will be necessary for the user to use the time compression feature. Consult the Harpoon II Command Card for the appropriate hot keys used to control time compression. When running this lesson you should increase the compression of time between contacts to no more than 1 minute of compression. Be prepared to resume 1 second level upon making a contact. If you run this tutorial lesson at a high time compression rate, you will not be able to properly respond to the contacts.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Tracking and Stationary Threat axis.
2. Allocation of an asset to an axis.
3. Aircraft Formation Air Patrols.

The user is encouraged to run this lesson scenario several times using different difficulty settings to become familiar with the effects of the various detection levels. It is strongly recommended that the user become familiar with the Save Game feature before running this lesson (They shoot back in this lesson!).

Lesson IX: Underway Replenishment, Boarding, and Take-over

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the user with the Underway Replenishment, Boarding, and Take-over functions.

Since this lesson requires transit between points for the ship under the user's command, it will be necessary for the user to use the time compression feature. Consult the Harpoon II Command Card for the appropriate hot keys used to control time compression. When running this lesson you should increase the compression of time between contacts to no more than 1 minute of compression. Be prepared to resume 1 second level upon making a contact. If you run this tutorial lesson at a high time compression rate, you will not be able to properly respond to the contacts.

Following this lesson the user should be familiar with the following:

1. Conduct an Underway Replenishment evolution
2. Board and Take control of an enemy vessel
3. Take control of an enemy facility.

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Scenario Design Tutorial Battleset

The purpose of the PlayersDB Scenario Design Tutorial Battleset is to familiarize users with the scenario creation process through the commands found under the Edit pull-down menu of the Scenario Editor. Users of these Scenario Design Tutorials are presumed to have already completed the nine Original Tutorial Lessons included with the Complete PlayersDB Library.

Lesson 41 Planning and Design
Lesson 42 Map Generation
Lesson 43 Creating Sides
Lesson 44 Setting Postures
Lesson 45 Creating an Air Base
Lesson 46 Adding Base Aircraft
Lesson 47 Adding Ships
Lesson 48 Alternate Start Points
Lesson 49 Missions
Lesson 50 Victory Condition Levels
Lesson 51 ViCond Parameters
Lesson 52 ViCond Protect
Lesson 53 ViCond Station
Lesson 54 ViCond Protect Station
Lesson 55 Show All
Lesson 56 Rebuild Function
Lesson 57 Writing Orders
Lesson 58 Batch Rebuild [ANW]
Lesson 59 Sonar Conditions [HUE]
Lesson 60 Class Restrictions

Author: Herman Hum

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